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Chapter seven


  1. Palindrome – палиндром, слово или фраза, которые читаются слева направо и наоборот
  2. You’ve tanked up pretty quickly, then. – Быстро же ты набрался.
  3. Have some bubbly. – (сленг) Тяпни шампанского
  4. I’m as sober as a judge. – я абсолютно трезв, у меня нет ни в одном глазу
  5. to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind – посеять ветер и пожать бурю, пострадать от собственной неосмотрительности

I. Explain the following phrases:

  1. ‘Go on,’ I urged, anxious for him to come to the most interesting part of the chronicle before someone else buttonholed him.
  2. ‘I only had a couple of quick ones in the bar opposite the weighing-room.’
  3. Joe had a thicker skin than a coach-hide cabin trunk.
  4. They usually have their ears usefully to the ground.
  5. I felt as high as if I had already drunk the champagne which waited unopened in the changing-room, the customary crateful of celebration for the Champion Hurdle day.
  6. My happiness burst like a bubble.
  7. I stood there as if turned to stone.
  8. He made me his excuse for breaking away.

II. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:

  1. знаю в лицо – p.32
  2. прокол колеса по дорогое на ипподром – p.33
  3. суетиться о ком-либо – p.33
  4. в поисках чего-либо – p.34
  5. хорошо воспитана – p.34
  6. не одобряла меня – p.34
  7. из принципа – p.34
  8. все, что имеет отношение к скачкам – p.34
  9. избавить от объяснений – p.34
  10. осознавать – p.35
  11. ног под собой не чуять от радости, ликовать – p.36
  12. в пол глаза, не особенно внимательно – p.36
  13. дать мне подсказку – p.36
  14. не приветствовалось, не поощрялось – p.37

III. Answer the following questions:

  1. What was the atmosphere like at the Cheltenham National Hunt Festival?
  2. In what mood was Alan before the races? What accounts for it?
  3. Whom and about what did Alan talk to before the races?
  4. What did Alan learn from the newspaper seller?
  5. What did Alan discuss with Pete? Why?
  6. What did Dane say about Kate’s uncle and aunt?
  7. What trouble did Joe get into? Why was he frightened?
  8. What line of action did Alan decide to take?
  9. How did the racing go?
  10. In what mood was Alan after the races? Why did it suddenly change?
  11. What information did Alan get from Pete about the horse-box?

IV. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions:

nasty looking chap

to give him a pat, to pat

nothing tangible to go on

on an impulse

by unwritten right

in connection with odd happenings

to snatch the paper and stuff it back into his pocket

Joe was sober

He was getting the well-deserved sack

You can’t make a fool of me and get away with it

Class six (Chapter 8)

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