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Choose two of the questions asked by children from the list below and write a response

1. Do fish go to sleep?

2. Why do fairies have wands?

3. Why does cheese have holes?

4. Why do flamingos stand on one leg?

5. Why do dark clouds absorb heat?

6. Why do mermaids have tails?

7. What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?

8. How does a compass know which way north is?

38. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Student A – sentences 1-5, Student B – sentences 6-10, then check each other and translate them back into English. Student A – sentences 6-10, Student B – sentences 1-5.

1. The past is peppered with true artist-scientists such as Albrecht Dürer and Leonardo da Vinci, whose studies of projective geometry and perspective led to the concept of infinity in western science.

2. The interstellar gas cloud Sagittarius B contains billion liters of alcohol.

3. Caves breathe. They inhale and exhale great quantities of air when the barometric pressure on the surface changes, and air rushes in and out seeking equilibrium.

4. Artists use scientific equipment and concepts, scientists employ aesthetics. Both deal with visual imagery and metaphor.

5. The average person accidentally eats 430 bugs each year of their life.

6. Polar bears are nearly undetectable by infrared cameras due to their transparent fur.

7. Einstein’s aesthetic sense failed him: he dismissed black holes as an ugly solution to a beautiful theory.

8. A dying star might begin an eternal collapse and fall into a well in space from which nothing could escape, not even light − what we now know as a black hole.

9. The beauty of the mathematics of quantum theory turns out to be fine-tuned, linking each symmetry in nature to a law of conservation, such as the conservation of energy and of momentum.

10. As the ancient Greeks knew, beauty can be enhanced by a small degree of asymmetry. Nature agrees.

Look through the Encyclopedia Britannica explanations of some common concepts. Try to guess what concept is being described in each definition. Rewrite any 3 definitions as if answering the question of a child.

1. The biologically active porous medium that has developed in the uppermost layer of the Earth’s crust.

2. In botany, dry, hard fruit that does not split open at maturity to release its single seed.

3. Cloud of small water droplets near ground level that is dense enough to reduce horizontal visibility to less than about 1.000m.

4. Reproductive portion of any flowering plant.

5. Large mass of ice that forms on land through the recrystallization of snow and that moves forward under its own weight.

6. Rapid burning of combustible material with the evolution of heat and usually accompanied by flame.

7. Food product made from cocoa beans, consumed as candy and used to make beverages and as a flavouring ingredient or coating for various confections and bakery products.

8. In geometry, a two-dimensional collection of points, the boundary of any three-dimensional solid. In chemistry, outermost layer of a material or substance.

9. An animal fibre produced by certain insects as building material for cocoons and webs.

10. A ridge or swell on the surface of a body of water, normally having a forward motion distinct from the oscillatory motion of the particles that successively compose it.

Find information about any interesting, strange or important scientific experiments and present the results of your research to the class in the form of a poster or short presentation.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 398 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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