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Discuss the following questions in small groups or pairs

1. How important is science? What has science done for the humankind?

2. Is science always good? Do you always trust science?

3. What will science uncover in the next few decades? What will the next big discovery be in science?

4. What questions will science never answer?

5. Do you like visiting science museums?

6. The Japanese anime character Ikari Gendo said: “Science is the power of Man.” What does this mean? Do you agree?

27. Do you agree with the following statements? Discuss them with your classmates.

A Some hundred years from now, art and science may well share a common language. As technology advances, could a new visual language emerge to blur or even obliterate the distinction between art and science?

B Perhaps in the future beauty will provide an important criterion for selecting one theory over another, now that theories are emerging which cannot be verified by experimentation as we know it today.

A lot of famous inventions and discoveries were made by chance, for example, corn flakes, microwave ovens, slinky and potato chips. Try to find information about any of such inventions or discoveries and prepare a short story for your groupmates.

29. Work in pairs. You are going to read the descriptions of some important for the history of mankind experiments (Further Reading, UNIT 6). Student A reads about Darwin's flowers, Student B reads about the first vaccination. Ask each other questions to fill in the chart.

Experiment Aim Results and Implications
Darwin's flowers    
The first vaccination    

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 794 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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