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Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences if there are any

1. The festival Diwali marks the beginning of the hindi new year and honors Lakshmi, the hindu goddess of wealth.

2. Sometimes pollen is carried by creatures like insects and hummingbirds when the pollen stick to their fuzz or feathers.

3. “Seaweed” is a term used to loose describe various types of algae that live in the sea.

4. There are certain kinds of moths who are known on snacking on keratin, which is a protein found in clothes made from animal-basing materials like wool, fur, silk, leather, or feathers.

5. Tiny baby snails are actually born with their shells, although the shell is delicate and not very strong already.

6. Parents always insist from eating vegetables and fruits in every child's diet for healthyer life but children always stubbornly insist otherwise.

7. Not only are they pretty, but ladybugs eat aphids − insects that are harmless to the plants of gardeners or farmers.

21. Choose the correct verb tense for each sentence.

1. Tomorrow I ….. all day.

a) will be working b) will work

2. By the time we get there, the store …….

a) will close b) will have closed

3. If you …. to music containing beats at a frequency of 10 Hz, you will automatically generate more brainwaves at this frequency and enter a relaxed Alpha mental state.

a) listen b) will listen

4. I...... you tomorrow at 3:00 pm.

a) will see b) see

5. After we finish this experiment, I …….. all of this researcher's papers.

a) will look through b) will have looked through

6. Can I come over in an hour? No, I …….. new firewall.

a) will install b) will be installing

7. This time next week, I ….. the wildlife in the mangrove forests around Sumatra.

a) will be observing b) will observe

8. Microsoft's next OS …… on PCs, tablets, phones, and the next-gen Xbox.

a) will be running b) will run

9. You …. your English by the time you come back from the U.S.

a) will perfect b) will have perfected

10. The results of LHC experiments....... our fundamental knowledge of the universe.

a) will probably change b) will probably have changed

22. Fill in each blank by putting the verb in brackets into the correct past tense.

1. When the 27km long circular tunnel at CERN was excavated, between lake Geneva and the Jura mountain range, the two ends........ (meet up) with just one centimetre of error.

2. Life expectancy ….. (soar) by more than 30 years in richer nations during the 20th century and shows no sign of slowing.

3. It …... (rain) so we …... (decide) to stay at home and spend the afternoon solving brain twisters and crosswords.

4. By the time I …. (leave) university I ….. (be) to France fifteen times.

5. I didn't realise I ….. (lose) my credit card until I …... (try) to pay for the book at the store.

6. I …. (write) an email to my sister when she …... (ring) me.

7. At a conference last week researchers......... (describe) the progress that has been made in the science of ageing.

8. She was so upset by the news that she …... (drop) her tea and …... (start) crying.

9. Fireworks ……. (originate) in China some 2,000 years ago.

23. Fill in a, the where necessary.

A. "The research worker, in his efforts to express the fundamental laws of 1)..... Nature in mathematical form, should strive mainly for mathematical beauty. He should take 2)..... simplicity into 3)...... consideration in 4)..... subordinate way to beauty... It often happens that 5)..... requirements of simplicity and beauty are the same, but where they clash, 6)..... latter must take 7)...... precedence." Paul A. M. Dirac

B. "When I am working on 8)..... problem, I never think about 9)...... beauty... but when I have finished, if 10)..... solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong." R. Buckminster Fuller

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