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Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold

Like Thales, Pythagoras is rather known for 1) _______ (mathematical) than for 2) _________ (philosophical). Anyone who can recall math classes will remember the first lessons of plane 3) _______ (geometrically) that usually start with the Pythagorean theorem about right-angled 4) ______ (triangular): a²+b²=c². In spite of its name, the Pythagorean theorem was not discovered by Pythagoras. The earliest known 5) _______ (formulate) of the theorem was written down by the Indian 6) _____ (mathematics) Baudhāyana in 800BC. The principle was also known to the earlier 7) _______ (Egypt) and the Babylonian master builders. However, Pythagoras may have proved the theorem and 8) ________ (popularization) it in the Greek world. With it, his name and his philosophy have survived the 9) _________ (turbulent) of history.

Match 1-8 with a-h to make sentences.

  Maths can solve a signs and symbols.
  Maths developed from b the civilized world.
  Where there is no difficultyin maths there is no c abstract quantities.
  Algebra consists of d problem.
  The language of maths is one and the same e counting, calculating, measurement.
  Mathematicians deal with f a lot of problems.
  Prehistoric people knew how to count g abstract models.
  Mathematics is concerned h beautibul theories.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 1355 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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