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Match 1-6 with a-f to make sentences

  The great equations of modern physics are a permanent part of scientific knowledge, a complex mathematics that described a flexible geometry of space-time whose shape was determined by the bodies in it.
  Einstein achieved symmetry with his special relativity theory by expressing it in terms of tensors, b which would keep its form when moved from one point to another in four-dimensional space-time.
  Beauty lies in mathematical representation of the theory, c predicted particles with negative energy, which everyone thought an impossibility.
  Einstein was struggling to find a mathematical version of Newton's gravitational theory d because mathematics is the means by which scientists represent nature, in the same way artists use paint and canvas.
  Although experiments are essential for scientific theories, certain theories are just too important, too beautiful, e which may outlast even the beautiful cathedrals of earlier ages.
  Dirac's equation, which was consistent with relativity theory and represented in a mathematics unfamiliar to most physicist, spinors, f one could say, to be discarded when the experiments don't go your way.

19. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the words from the list: discover, develop, pioneer, invent, design, study. You will use some words more than once.

1. The physicians Marie Curie and her husband Pierre …….. the element radium and won the Nobel Prize for physics.

2. After years of ………, Freud ……… a theory of the mind which has changed forever the way we view ourselves.

3. Brunel ………… the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

4. Marco Polo made journeys through Asia and wrote a book describing what he had …………….

5. Edward Jenner ………… the use of vaccination to prevent disease.

6. I wonder who ……….. the very first computer?

7. Einstein ……….. the theory of relativity which replaced Newton’s theories of gravity.

8. Frank Lloyd Wright ………….. the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.

9. Florence Nightingale ………….. effective nursing care and improvements in public health.

10. In 1930 Clyde Tombaugh …………. Pluto after many years ………… the night sky.

11. A cook mixed together charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter and accidentally ……… fireworks.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 2002 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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