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Find words in the texts to which the following are the synonyms. The first letter is given to make the task easier

primeval, original (p); reveal (u); excessive, superfluous (r); mirror symmetry (p); moment (i); completely (r); rudimentary (f); look for (s); emphasised, (e), precious (c), originate (s), state, maintain (a)

Find phrases in the article that match the meanings (A-E).

A maintain a shape and structure

B express instinctive knowledge of belief

C be in conformity with a test or investigation

D prove the pursuit or diligent search to be right

E be inconsistent with values derived from scientific experiments

Fill the cells in the table with the words derived from the given ones.

Verb Noun Adjective
invert invert,............. invert, inverted,.............
............ ................ contradictious, contradictive, contradictory
................ exhibit,.........., exhibitor, exhibitioner .........,................, exhibitory
unify ................ _________
........... ................. extended
conserve ................ ..................
................. .............., gravity ................, gravitative
subject subject,........., subjectivity ...............
_________ compatibility ................

Find 9 words from the table above.

e x h i b i t x q c i w n m
g r a v i t a t i o n r t s
f h j w z y k g x n v s g k
d x r s u b j e c t e f h j
n m p h s v c x f r r d a r
d x r g c a a t o a s d x r
c o n s e r v e w d i z b p
g u n i f y t n v i o s g k
z b p f y o o d l c n f h j
f h j w c o m p a t i b l e

Match the words in the left-hand column with the words in the right-hand column to make phrases. Use each word only once. Translate them into Ukrainian.

  principle of a parity
  fraction of b coordinates
  inverted c energy
  cling on to d theory
  spring from e explanations
  conservation of f relativity
  instant of g aesthetics
  primordial h theories
  offer i a second
  electroweak j symmetry

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 457 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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