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Choose the correct answer

1. However, a __________ of science is that it is subject to revision when new information is presented.

A badge B hallmark C device Dindex

2. Accumulated _________ can provide support, validation and substantiation for a law or theory, but will never prove those laws and theories to be true.

A evidence B support C view D evolution

3. The problem of induction argues against proof in science, but there is another element of this myth worth _____________.

A travelling B exploiting C using D exploring

4. They are careful in the analysis of evidence and in the ________ applied to arrive at conclusions.

A courses B transactions C activities D procedures

5. Another aspect of the inability of scientists to be objective is found in theory-laden _________, a psychological notion.

Aobscurity Boccasion C observation D offence

Work in small groups. Match 1-5 with a-e to make sentences.

  The result of the lack of oversight has recently put a report valid, but negative results.
  An interesting corollary to this myth is that scientists rarely b about everything I saw. Darwin
  Humans are the producers of new knowledge and c the truth.
  Nothing could be farther from d science itself under suspicion.
  I could not help making hypotheses e also the arbiters of what counts as new knowledge.

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