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Match the words with their definitions

  experiment a is something brought about by a cause or agent; a result
  effect b is the process of learning something that was not known before, or of findings someone that was missing or hidden
  observation c is a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work
  discovery d is a test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, examine the validity of a hypothesis, or determine the efficacy of something previously untried
  procedure e is the act of noting and recording something
  to perform f to investigate systematically; examine
  to contribute g to give or supply in common with others
  to explore h the act of employing to the greatest possible advantage
  exploitation i cause (something) to be mixed with (something else)
  to blend j the act of disclosing
  revelation k to begin and carry through to completion

Find 10 words from the table above.

e x p e r i m e n t r p
x a q x c t z x y k h r
p w z p e r f o r m g o
l w s l q g k f z i j c
o v c o n t r i b u t e
r q d i s c o v e r y d
e l m t v a w r f q k u
m n k a t j g i f e t r
t o e t f u p q e m n e
r y w i d k i r c q s f
k j h o m l y s t b a i
b l e n d t q i k w n v
w x r e v e l a t i o n

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