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SPEAKING. Discuss the following questions in small groups or pairs

Discuss the following questions in small groups or pairs.

1. Does being intelligent matter, or are other things more important?

2. Are the person’s happiness and ability to adapt related to how intelligent they are?

3. Are puzzles, intelligence tests and so on a waste of time?

31. Use the information from UNITS 3 and 4 and prepare a three-minute talk for the students’ conference on intelligence, IQ tests and memory.

Say what you were doing, or what was happening, at these moments.

· The last time you were really frightened.

· The last time you felt happy.

· The last time you got really angry.

· The last time you got very bored.

· The last time you were upset.

33. Make two questions: use phrases from each group. Ask other students your questions.

1 group · When did you first ……? · How long ago ……..? · Last year, ……..? · How often did you …….? · When was the last time ……? 2 group · Have you ever ….? · Have you …… today? · What …… lately? · Have you ………. since? · How long have you ……?

34. This year's winner is being intervied by a journalist.

Student A

You have just won the Brain of Ukraine contest for the fifth time running. You are being intervied by a journalist about how you have managed to acquire so much knowledge. You will also be asked for advice for young hopefuls.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 440 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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