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Choose the correct answer. 1. The general success of the scientific endeavor _______ that its products must be valid. Asuggests Bis suggested C suggested D was

1. The general success of the scientific endeavor _______ that its products must be valid.

Asuggests Bis suggested C suggested D was suggested

2. Philosophers of science ________ it useful to refer to the work of Karl Popper and his principle of falsifiability to provide an operational definition of what counts as science.

A had found B found C was found D have found

3. In 1968 Popper ________ that only those ideas that are potentially falsifiable are scientific ideas.

A had suggested B has suggested C suggested D was suggesting

4. Now the scientists ___________ experiments in the field of quantum physics.

A is doing B are doing C do D does

5. The seminars were extremely interesting and it was obvious that all the speakers ___________ their material very thoroughly.

Ahad prepared B was prepared C have prepared Dwere prepared

6. Scientists __________ simply not ready to embrace a notion so contrary to the traditional teachings of their discipline.

A be B is C have D were

7. They _______ hard all morning, so they were tired.

A had been studying B were studying C studied D were studied

8. We __________ our project at 9 o'clock yesterday.

A had done Bwere doing C was doing D are doing

9. Tim __________ his experiments when his co-workers came to the laboratory.

A had finished B finished Cwas finished D had been finishing

10. Jason ______ about his mathematical problem for an hour before he solved it.

A thought B had thought C had been thinking Dwas thinking

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 339 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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