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Match the words and phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents

  accurately a переслідувати будь-які цілі
  to pursue any goal b неможливість контролювати
  to fund c точно
  the inability to control d весь практичний досвід
  all hands-on experiences e фінансувати
  misconception f супроводити
  to accompany g здійснювати цілі
  the quest of pure science h прикладна наука
  to pursue any goal i неправильне уявлення
  applied science j пошук чистої науки

17. Fill each gap with the appropriate word from the list below.

scientists, proof, discovery, scientific, considered, inevitable, frequently, science, criticize

First, even if individuals understand that 1)............... laws are equal in importance to theories, they rarely appreciate that all knowledge in science is tentative, occasionally seeing 2) “..............” in science equal to proof in mathematics. The issue of tentativeness is part of the self-correcting aspect of science but one that those who fault science 3)................. ignore. Creationists, for instance, are quick to 4)........... science by pointing to the 5).................. of several teeth found in Nebraska early in this century (Gould, 1991). Initially, these teeth were 6)................. to have come from a primitive human, but were later found to be those of an extinct pig. 7).............. made both the initial identification and the later revision, but those who would like to fault 8)............... only discuss the error, while rarely mentioning the 9)............... correction.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 412 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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