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Text 12. Mesopotamian architecture


Words and word combinations:

the Bible – библия;

the Tower of Babel – Вавилонская башня;

Zoroastrianism – зороастризм;

notably - особенно, исключительно;

a palace complex - дворцовый комплекс;

adjoining buildings – примыкающие, прилегающие здания;

a chamber – комната;

a courtyard – внутренний двор;

the Hall of One Hundred Columns – зал ста колонн.

After the Assyrians fell in the 600’s B.C., the Babylonians rose to power. They built a famous ziggurat referred to in the Bible as the Tower of Babel (early 500’s B.C.). Their capital city of Babylon also included the famous Hanging Gardens and the Ishtar Gate, which was decorated with colored glazed brick.

In 539 B.C., the Persians conquered Mesopotamia. The Persian religion, Zoroastrianism, did not require temples. But the Persians built many palaces, most notably a palace complex in the religious capital of Persepolis. This group of adjoining buildings, which was completed in the mid- 400’s B.C., consisted of several palaces, halls, chambers, and courtyards. The Persian king received visitors in a huge room known as the Hall of One Hundred Columns. This room was 250 feet (76 meters) square with a vast beamed ceiling supported by columns perhaps 60 feet (18 meters) high.

For illustration of Mesopotamian architecture, see Babylon; Babylonia; Persia, Ancient.


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

the Babylonians rose to power; built a famous ziggurat; the famous Hanging Gardens; colored glazed brick; the Persians conquered Mesopotamia;The Persian religion; the religious capital; a vast beamed ceiling.

2.Say if the following sentences are true or false:

1. After the Assyrians fell in the 700’s B.C., the Babylonians rose to power.

2. Their capital city of Babylon also included the famous Hanging Gardens and the Ishtar Gate, which was decorated with colored glazed brick.

3. In 939 B.C., the Persians conquered Mesopotamia.

4. The Persian religion, Zoroastrianism, required temples.

5. The Persian king didn’t receive visitors in a huge room known as the Hall of One Hundred Columns.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. They built a famous … referred to in the Bible as the Tower of Babel (early 500’s B.C.). 2. But the … built many palaces, most notably a … complex in the religious capital of Persepolis.3. This room was … feet (… meters) square with a vast beamed ceiling supported by columns perhaps … feet (… meters) high.

4. In … B.C., the Persians conquered Mesopotamia.5. The Persian religion, …, did not require temples.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. They built a famous ziggurat referred to in the Bible as the Tower of Babel (early 500’s B.C.). 2. Their capital city of Babylon also included the famous Hanging Gardens and the Ishtar Gate, which was decorated with colored glazed brick.3. The Persian religion, Zoroastrianism, did not require temples. 4. But the Persians built many palaces, most notably a palace complex in the religious capital of Persepolis.5.This group of adjoining buildings, which was completed in the mid- 400’s B.C., consisted of several palaces, halls, chambers, and courtyards.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 483 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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