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Text 11. Mesopotamian architecture

Words and word combinations:

Numerous wars and invasions – бесчисленные войны и нашествия;

fortified buildings – укрепленные здания;

buildings were made of brick and clay – здания построенные из кирпича и глины;

durable materials – прочные материалы;

the 3000’s B.C. – 3000 год до рождества Христова;

a temple – храм;

whitewashed brick – известковый кирпич;

a piramidlike tower – пирамидальная башня;

magnificent scale – великолепный уровень;

to enclose – прилагать.

Four major culture groups dominated Mesopotamian history. They were the Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Persians. The history of the region was marked by numerous wars and invasions. Thus, the various cultures constructed many fortified buildings.

Most Mesopotamian buildings were made of brick and clay, which are not highly durable materials. As a result, no complete of Mesopotamian architecture has survived. However, archeologists have been able to reconstruct the plans of some buildings.

A Sumerians civilization developed in Mesopotamia sometime during the 3000’s B.C. The first important Sumerians structures were temples. An early example was the White Temple (late 3000’s B.C.) in the city of Urik. The temple was made of whitewashed brick. Architects built the temple on a platform at the top of a piramidlike tower. Such towers are called ziggurats.

During the mid –700’s B.C., the Assyrians conquered the region. They built palaces and temples influenced by Sumerians architecture but on a larger and more magnificent scale. The citadel of King Sargon11, was built in the city. The citadel stood in the northwest corner of the city and included palaces, temples, public buildings, and a ziggurat. A fortified was enclosed the city.

(to be continued…)


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

four major culture groups; the various cultures; Mesopotamian architecture has survived; to reconstruct the plans of some buildings; Sumerians structures were temples; a larger and more magnificent scale.

2.Say if the following sentences are true or false:

1. Six major culture groups dominated Mesopotamian history.

2. The history of the region was marked by numerous wars and invasions.

3. Most Mesopotamian buildings were made of brick and clay, which are highly durable materials.

4. Archeologists haven’t been able to reconstruct the plans of some buildings.

5. The citadel of King Sargon11, was built in the city.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. They were the …, Assyrians, …, and Persians.2. As a result, no complete of … architecture has survived.3.A Sumerians civilization … in Mesopotamia sometime during the 3000’s B.C.4. Architects built the temple on a platform at the top of a … tower. Such towers are called …. 5. They built palaces and temples … by Sumerians architecture but on a larger and more … scale.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. Thus, the various cultures constructed many fortified buildings.2. An early example was the White Temple (late 3000’s B.C.) in the city of Urik.3. During the mid –700’s B.C., the Assyrians conquered the region.4. The citadel stood in the northwest corner of the city and included palaces, temples, public buildings, and a ziggurat.5. As a result, no complete of Mesopotamian architecture has survived.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 461 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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