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Text 13. Egyptian architecture

Words and word combinations:

Egyptian architecture – египетская архитектура;

ancient Egypt – древний Египет;

to be gods – быть богами;

stone tombs – каменные надгробия;

palaces as monuments – дворцы, как памятники;

gigantic pyramids - гигантские пирамиды;

to be buried – быть похороненным;

a long passageway длинный проход;

the king’s burial chamber – королевская погребальная комната;

six giant steps – шесть гигантских ступени;;

pylons – пилон, опора;

a huge cliff – огромный утес;

vividly – ярко, живо.

Egyptian architecture centered on the king, who was the religious as well as the political ruler of ancient Egypt. The Egyptians considered their kings to be gods, and they built stone tombs, temples, and palaces as monuments to them.

The best – known Egyptian tombs are gigantic pyramids in which the kings were buried. The ruins of 35 major pyramids still stand along the Nile River. Each pyramid was part of a group of structures that commonly included a large temple on the eastern side of the pyramid and a smaller temple near the Nile. A long passageway connected the two temples. The Egyptians probably considered the king’s burial chamber the most sacred part of pyramid. They blocked off and concealed the entrances to both the pyramid and the chamber after the burial.

The first known Egyptian pyramid was built for King Zoser about 2650 B.C. at Saqqarah. It rises in a series of six giant steps. Three large and well – preserved pyramids were built from about 2600 to 2500 B.C. at Giza for Kings Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. These massive works have smooth sides.

A great period of Egyptian architecture begun in the 1500’s B.C. and lasted for about 500 years. Architects during this time mainly designed temples rather than pyramids. The temples were huge structures supported by columns. Ramps and halls connected the various rooms. People entered most temples through gateways formed by two huge towers called pylons. One masterpiece of the period is the temple built for Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el – Bahri about 1480 B.C. Her subjects erected it along the foot of a huge cliff, vividly uniting architecture with nature.


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

the religious as well as the political ruler of ancient Egypt; their kings to be gods; the best – known Egyptian tombs; the ruins of 35 major pyramids; a group of structures; a long passageway; the king’s burial chamber; the most sacred part of pyramid; pylons; along the foot of a huge cliff.

2.Say if the following sentences are true or false:

1. The Egyptians didn’t consider their kings to be gods.

2. The best – known Egyptian tombs are gigantic pyramids in which the kings were buried.

3. Each pyramid wasn’t part of a group of structures.

4. The Egyptians probably considered the king’s burial chamber the most sacred part of pyramid.

5. They didn’t block off and conceal the entrances to both the pyramid and the chamber after the burial.

6. A great period of Egyptian architecture begun in the 1700’s B.C. and lasted for about 700 years.

7. The temples weren’t huge structures supported by columns.

8. People entered most temples through gateways formed by two huge towers called pylons.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1.… centered on the king, who was the religious as well as the political ruler of ancient Egypt. 2. The best – known Egyptian tombs are … in which the kings were buried.3. Each pyramid was part of a group of … that commonly included a large temple on the … side of the pyramid and a smaller temple near the Nile.4. The first known Egyptian pyramid was built for … about 2650 B.C. at Saqqarah.5. These massive works have … sides.6. Architects during this time mainly designed … rather than pyramids.7. One masterpiece of the period is the temple built for Queen … about 1480 B.C.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. The Egyptians considered their kings to be gods, and they built stone tombs, temples, and palaces as monuments to them.2. The ruins of 35 major pyramids still stand along the Nile River.3. Each pyramid was part of a group of structures that commonly included a large temple on the eastern side of the pyramid and a smaller temple near the Nile.4. A long passageway connected the two temples. 5. Three large and well – preserved pyramids were built from about 2600 to 2500 B.C. at Giza for Kings Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.

6. Ramps and halls connected the various rooms. 7. People entered most temples through gateways formed by two huge towers called pylons.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 904 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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