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Text 14. Asian architecture

Chinese and Japanese architecture.

Words and word combinations:

Widespread influence – широкое расространение;

the Prophet Muhammad – пророк Мухаммед;

a variety of buildings – разнообразные здания;

Buddhist temples – буддийские храмы;

Pagodas – пагоды;

rectangular wooden halls – прямоугольные деревянные залы;

posts – столбы;

the ceiling beams – потолочные балки, брусы;

wooden brackets – деревянные скобы;

gracefully upward – изящное направление;

a deep overhang – сильный выступ;

lightweight walls – легковесные стены;

to provide privacy – предоставлять уединение;

walled gardens - настенные сады.

Asian architecture has four main branches – Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and Islamic architecture has had especially widespread influence. Indian architecture includes the architecture of Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan,, Thailand and Tibet as well as that of India.

Islamic architecture refers to buildings designed by Muslims. Muslims are followers of Islam, the religion based on the life of the Prophet Muhammad. Islamic architecture can be found in the Middle East, northern Africa, Spain, and Asia.

Chinese architecture began to developing ancient times. The Chinese constructed a variety of buildings, but the chief structures were Buddhist temples and many – storied towers called pagodas.

Chinese temples consisted of rectangular wooden halls that featured an elaborate and beautiful arrangement of timber beams in the ceiling. Walls did not support the roof but served simply as screens for privacy and for protection against the weather. The roof support came from posts connected to the ceiling beams by wooden brackets that were often carved, painted red, and coated with gold. The Chinese covered many of the roofs with blue, green, or yellow glazed tiles. The edges of the roofs curved gracefully upward.

Japanese architecture has been strongly influenced by Chinese architecture. Thus, traditional Japanese architecture based mainly on the use of wooden beams and posts. Shinto shrines, which are found throughout Japan, provide an excellent example. Shinto is the native religion of Japan. Shinto shrines are wooden frame structures built on posts that raise the shrine above the ground. Ceiling beams project beyond the walls and give the roofs a deep overhang.

Traditional Japanese houses, whether large or small, have the same design. Upright posts support the roof. Sliding doors are built into the lightweight walls. The interior walls are used to provide privacy rather than support. Many of the houses are set within walled gardens.


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

has four main branches; has four main branches; the religion based; can be found in the Middle East; a variety of buildings; featured an elaborate and beautiful arrangement; did not support the roof; coated with gold; the edges of the roofs curved; based mainly on the use of wooden; beams project beyond the walls.

2.Say if the following sentences are true or false:

1. Asian architecture has four main branches – Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and Islamic architecture.

2. Chinese architecturebegan to developing previous times.

3. Walls supported the roof but served simply as screens for privacy and for protection against the weather.

4. The Chinese covered many of the roofs with black, gray, or brown glazed tiles.

5. Japanese architecturehasn’t been strongly influenced by Chinese architecture.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. Islamic architecture … to buildings designed by Muslims.2. The Chinese constructed a … of buildings, but the chief structures were Buddhist temples and many – storied towers called …. 3. The roof support came from … connected to the ceiling beams by … brackets that were often carved, painted red, and coated with gold.4. Thus, traditional … architecture based mainly on the use of wooden beams and posts. 5. … shrines are wooden frame structures built on posts that raise the shrine above the ground.6. Sliding doors are built into the … walls.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1.Indian architecture includes the architecture of Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand and Tibet as well as that of India. 2.Muslims are followers of Islam, the religion based on the life of the Prophet Muhammad.3. Chinese temples consisted of rectangular wooden halls that featured an elaborate and beautiful arrangement of timber beams in the ceiling. 4.Walls did not support the roof but served simply as screens for privacy and for. 5. Shinto shrines, which are found throughout Japan, provide an excellent example.6. Shinto is the native religion of Japan.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 532 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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