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I. Match the pairs of sentences with the pictures on the right:
(Vocabulary Organiser Unit 9 Ex1)
1. He isn't very tall.
He's short and stocky.
2. She's tall and slim.
She's got a lovely figure.
3. He's quite a big guy.
He's quite well-built.
4. She's a bit overweight.
She's quite plump, isn't she?
5. He's very fat.
He's absolutely enormous.
6. He's very thin.
He's so skinny.
Slim is more positive and attractive than thin. Skinny is negative. If somebody is skinny, they are too thin. Saying that somebody is overweight or plump is more polite than saying they're fat.
II. Transcribe and translate the words:
Build, stout, medium, athletic, broad-shouldered, fat, overweight, lanky.
III. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words:
статный, пухленький, толстый, полный, худой, стройный, долговязый, тощий, широкоплечий, коренастый
IV. Decide whether these statements are true or false:
1. Lanky means ungracefully tall and thin. 2. Slim people are short and plump. 3. Skinny means unattractively thin. 4. Someone who is stout is rather fat and heavy. 5. Well-built means small and well-proportioned. 6. An overweight person weighs more than is expected or usual. 7. If a person has a big strong body he is fat. 8. Plump people look fat and unattractive. 9. Someone who is stocky is tall and strong.
V. Choose the right word:
VI. Complete the sentences:
1. A man is considered to have a good figure if he has …., ….., ….. and …...
2. A woman is considered to have a good figure if she has …., ….. and …….
VII. Try to think of a famous person who is:
- skinny
- stocky
- thin
- absolutely enormous
VIII. Describe your friend’s and your own build.
1.7 m/4 ft 7 inches tall/ in height
of medium/ average height
below/ above average height
tall/ tallish
short/ shortish
Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1911 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!