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Lesson 23-26

Outline: Present Continuous

Утвердительная форма Affirmative Form Вопросительная форма Interrogative Form Отрицательная форма Negative Form
I am writing Am I writing? I am not writing
You are writing Are you writing? You are not writing
He (she, it) is writing Is he (she, it) writing? He (she, it) is not writing
We are writing Are we writing? We are not writing
They are writing Are they writing? They are not writing

The Present Continuous expresses the action which goes at the moment and will be going on.

For example:

1. I am reading a book. Jane is standing at the blackboard. The students are writing the exercises.

1.Complete the sentences with to be.

1. …you sleeping? No, I…

2. … your sister washing the plates? Yes, she…

3. What …. your teacher reading to you?

4. … Mr. Snowdon talking now? No, he … not.

5. What … you doing?

6. I … not driving now. I am at work.

7. We … translating the text about well-known people?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 646 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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