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Personal Pronouns

Exercise 1. Назовите личные местоимения, заменяющие следующие существительные.

A family, a daughter, parents, a dog, Robert, people, an orange, fruit, morning, a word, Helen, a boy, the sun, a man, a teacher, sister, a doctor, the King, a grandmother, pets, the Queen, animals, a horse, grammar, a fly, a teenager, police, paper, a book, news, scissors, weather.

Exercise 2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями в нужной форме.

A. 1. This is my house. Do you like …? 2. Sam is very nice. Do you know …? 3. Those are your letters. Take …. 4. He doesn’t like animals. He is afraid of …. 5. Sally never drinks coffee. She hates …. 6. He is so handsome! Look at …. 7. I don’t need this magazine. You can have …. 8. Where are my shoes? I can’t find …. 9. Margaret is talking to you. Listen to …. 10. What surprising news! Have you heard …. 11. I often eat fish. I love …! 12. Tim always thinks about Mary. He loves …. 13. I’ll be back in a minute. Wait for …, please. 14. Your parents were so kind to you. Thank …. 15. We are going to the party. Please join ….

B. 1. This is my watch. … bought … yesterday. 2. She didn’t come. What happened to …? 3. What’s the matter with …? You look bad. 3. Do you have a new dress? Show … to …! 5. I’d like to have some biscuits. Can you pass … to …? 6. He needs the money. Give … to …, please. 7. Sarah’s doctor is so kind! … did so much for …! 8. We are very worried about you. Tell … what is happening. 9. Who are these people? Nobody knows …. 10. Mum and I have good neighbours. I like to talk to …. 11. Sue seldom visits her parents. … often phones …. 12. I don’t know Tina’s telephone number. Could you write … for …? 13. The scissors are very sharp. Be careful with …. 14. Jack loves Sue. He offered … to marry ….

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 1499 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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