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Outline: Pronouns: much, many, few, little, a little, a few
Неопределенные местоимения | (Indefinite pronouns) | |
Местоимение | Случаи употребления | Пример |
much (много), little (мало), a little (немного) | с неисчисляемыми существительными | I have little time for dancing today У меня сегодня мало времени для танцев |
many (много), few (мало), a few (несколько) | с исчисляемыми существительными | She told me many interesting facts about this writer Она рассказала мне много интересных фактов об этом писателе |
how much сколько | употребляется как существительное и как прилагательное, но только с неисчисляемыми существительными | How much time do you need? Сколько тебе нужно времени? |
how many сколько | употребляется как существительное и как прилагательное, но только с исчисляемыми существительными | How many boys took part in the concert? Сколько мальчиков участвовали в концерте? |
• Местоимение much (много) употребляется только с неисчисляемыми существительными, а many (много) - с исчисляемыми существительными. Они употребляются, как правило, в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях, а в утвердительных предложениях чаще используются a lot of, plenty of, a great deal of, a large number of, a good many.
There is a lot of work to do today.
Is there much work to do today?
There isn't much work to do today.
• Местоимения little - few употребляются соответственно с неисчисляемыми и исчисляемыми существительными и передают отрицательное значение «недостаточно», «мало».
There is little hope left (not much). They have few chances (not many).
• A little и a few передают положительное значение «немного», «несколько».
We have a little time, so we can talk. They have a few chances. They have hope.
Consolidation of the grammar:
Complete the sentences. Use much or many with one of these words:
books countries luggage people time tomes
1 I don’t read very much. I haven’t got many books.
2 Quick! We must hurry. We haven’t got………………………………………...
3 Do you travel a lot. Have you been to ……………………………………….?
4 Tina hasn’t lived here vary long, so she doesn’t know ………………………………..
5 Have you got …………………………………….? ‘No, only this bag.’
6 I know Paris very well. I’ve been there ………………………………….
Ex.1 Use ‘how much ’or ‘how many’:
1…..milk is there in the bottle?2….. plates are there in there in the cupbouard?3…. tea is there in the pot? 4….. sugar is there in the sugarbasin?5….. forks are there on the table?6…….mistakes are there in your dictation? 7…friends have you got? 8…. Time is left?9 …..effort do you need to do it? 10 Places of interest have you visited? 11….money do you need? 12….. fishes did he catch?113…..times did I tell you this?14…. have you read?15…..papers do you read every day?16…. ices are you going to eat?17…..feet is your room?18…sheep has this farmer got?
Ex.2. Translate into English ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘little’, ‘a little’, ‘few’, ‘ a few’, ’a lot of’.
1.Мы потратили много денег. 2.Многие люди любят ездить за город. 3.Она знает всего несколько слов по англиский.4. В ее квартире слишком много мебели. 5. В театре было мало народу. 6. не многие знают китайский.7. Подожди немного.8. У еас не много времени9. Мы встречались несколько лет назад.10.Зачем берешь столько одежды на несколько дней?11. эТой оснью в нашем саду много фруктов.12. Я звонила ей много раз,но безуспешно.13. Как мало он знал о своей подруге. 14. У нее масса всяких идей. 15 Она мало говорит, но много делает. 16. – Хотите кофе? – Да, немного. 17. Сколько у них детей? 18. – Сколько это стоит? – Не очень много.
Ex.3.Complete the sentences with a lot of + one of these:
accidents books fun interesting things tragic
1. I like reading. I have a lot of books.
2. We enjoyed our visit to the museum. We saw …………..
3 This road is very dangerous. There are………………..
4 We enjoyed our holiday. We had ……………………….
5 It took me a long time to drive here. There was ………………………….
Control test:
Найдите правильный вариант заполнения пробела:
1. How __________ apples did you buy?
a) much b) many
2. How __________ do you weigh?
a) much b) many
13. Good friends one has so ________________ that one should
treasure them.
a) few b) a few c) little d) a little
4. "Give the boy _______________ extra money," the old man
a) few b) a few c) little d) a little
Astana – a new сapitаl of Kazakhstan.
On the 10-th of December 1997 the city Akmola (Akmolinsk) was declared capital of the sovereign Republic of Kazakhstan.
Akmolinsk was founded in 1830 as a military fortress. In 1862 it became the city of Akmolinsk because of it’s ever growing importance as it was on the trading way from Tashkent to the Urals. Durning the October Socialist Revolution in 1917 Akmolinsk was a small provitional town.
Only in the period of virgin lands development Akmolinsk became known all over the world. The whole Soviet Union helped our republic to build Akmolinsk. Many hundreds of highly qualified specialists came to work there. In 1961 Akmolinsk was renamed into Tselinograd.
From 1962 to 1965 Tselinograd was the administrative centre of Tselinniy Region which consisted of 5 northern provinces of Kazakhstan. The wheat grown in the fields of these provinces was highly valued on the London stock exchange. In the Soviet time Kazakhstan produced 1 milliard foods of high quality wheat due to the virgin land development.
At the present many different branches of industry such as machine-building, food, consumer goods production and building materials industries are well developed and is further developing here. Wheat production and cattle breading are also well developed. There are 5 institutes in the city, among them the State Euro-Asian University named after H.Gumilev. There are two theaters-Russian Drama Theater named after Stanislavsky and the Kazakh Music Theater.
Astana is a big centre of automobile, railway and air transport communication. It connects the Central Kazakhstan witch southern and western regions, witch Siberia, Urals and the Volga and other regions. Astana is on the banks of the Ishim river and its population is about 300 thousand people.
In 1997-98 the Government House, the Parliament House, the Place of Congress were reconstructed in Astana. The new President’s Residence and many new social buildings and dwelling were and are built here, too. The Government of Kazakhstan started removing to the new capital in 1997. Astana is 1200 km away from Almaty. Akmola was formally renamed as Astana in may 1998. On the 10th of June 1998 the International presentation of the new capital-Astana took place. Astana will become the center of business contacts, as it is situated in the centre of the Asian Continent.
Nowadays Astana – is a big construction site and soon it will become one of the biggest and beautiful cities if the XXI century.
Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 801 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!