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Match the verbs and pictures

Go abroad, Go for a walk, Go swimming, Go sightseeing, Go camping, Go by car/bus /plane/rain. Go to the beach, Go out at night, Go away for the weekend.

Read the text: “My last week-end”

A week ago my friend Boris Klimov came to Moscow from Leningrad. On Saturday he came to see me and my family. We decided to spend the week-end together and Klimov stayed with us till Monday.

We woke up late on Sunday. We got up at nine o’clock, washed and dressed. Then we had breakfast.

“What do you usually do on Sunday?” Boris asked us at table.

“We often go to the country,” my wife answered. “Sometimes we go to the theatre or the cinema.”

“Do you often go to Central Park?” he asked again.

“We went there last month. It’s a very nice park. We like it very much. Do you want to go there, Boris?”

“Oh, yes, I’d love to. The weather is very nice today. ”

We went to the park with our children. We skated and skied and the children played with their little friends.

We came home at two o’clock. Boris and I played chess after dinner and we went to the cinema in the evening. The film was interesting and not very long. It began at seven o’clock and it was over by eight. We didn’t want to go home so early and went to see my parents. They were very glad to see us and we had supper together.

We got home late, but we didn’t go to bed at once. Boris wrote two letters to our friends in Leningrad and read them to us.

We went to bed at twelve o’clock.

Answer to the questions:

1. Do you often go to see your friends?

2. How often do your friends come to see you?

3. How often do you spend your week-end with your friends?

4. How often do you go to the theatre or to the cinema together?

5. When did you last go to the theatre?

6. How often do you spend the week-end in the country?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 1329 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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