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Завершите следующие фразы подходящим высказыванием. 1. beforehand ( in advance); 2

1. beforehand (in advance); 2. the legal document, starting the liabilities of each of the partners; 3. through correspondence, telephone call or by telex; 4. closing phrase and signature of the authorized person; 5. to observe it strictly; 6. style and clichés; 7. to present the goods and services; 8. advertising goods and services; 9. the driving force of selling; 10. articles; 11. finding partners; 12. to set up cooperation with other partners; 13. you can`t see the reaction of the receiver; 14. it is necessary to know idioms and special phrases; 15. promoting goods; 16. fourteen articles; 17. business activity; 18. the price of the contract, terms of payment, conditions of delivery, force- majeure circumstances and others; 19. to draw up tentative program; 20. not to be late for meeting.

1. Fairs and exhibitions are very good opportunity to....

2. Fairs and exhibitions are the source of....

3. Exhibitions and Fairs abroad are widely spread means of....

4. Exhibitions and Trade Fairs are one of numerous ways of....

5. Participation in Trade Fairs is....

6. Personal business contacts are efficient means of....

7. It is possible to keep in touch....

8. It is desirable to make arrangement:...

9. The reputation of the businessman demands....

10. To achieve good results at negotiations, it is desirable to....

11. The items of a contract are called....

12. Usually a contract consists of....

13. The articles of a contract include....

14. The contract is....

15. The contract assigns the partners to....

16. It is important to compose business letters carefully because....

17. Writing business letters in foreign language is more difficult because....

18. Different types of business letters differ in....

19. Inquiry and offer letters are intended to...

20. Each letter should be concluded by....

5. Несколько полей ввода (вопрос – ответ)

Дайте развёрнутый ответ по темам: Exhibitions and Fairs, Business Contacts, Contracts and agreements, Business letters

1. What is an exhibition and what is its role in business and public relations?

2. How can be a fair defined, which participates in such undertaking and what is its purpose?

3. What is the role of personal contacts in business?

4. What is it necessary to do for the fruitful negotiations?

5. What is the purpose of drawing up a contract?

6. What is the structure of a contract?

7. What is the aim of business letter writing?

8. What are the types and contents of business letters?

9. What peculiarities constitute the style of business letters?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 440 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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