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B) Вставьте пропущенное слово в предложение

1. buyers; 2. arrangement; 3. closing phrases and signature; 4. to notify… the shipment; 5. offer … opportunity; 6. to solve; 7. contracts … promoting … advertising; 8. inquiry, offer and order; 9. talks; 10. hereinafter … signatures; 11. is valid … within; 12. polite; 13. business; 14. to keep the appointment; 15. covers; 16. layout; 17. increases; 18. to promote; 19. notify … in advance; 20. is drawn up; 21. Letter of Credit … invoice; 22. overseas … domestic; 23. thoroughly and carefully; 24. consumer goods; 25. personal contacts; 26. magic words.

1. Fairs and exhibitions (предлагать) an excellent (возможность) to display manufactured goods and services.

2. Every exhibition is a way of making (контакт) and (продвижение) or (рекламирование) products.

3. The number of trade fairs (увеличивать) each year.

4. Trade Fairs (привлекать) a large number of (покупатель).

5. The aim of both (зарубежный) and (отечественный) exhibitions is to show new products and technologies.

6. Participation in trade fairs and exhibitions helps to (продвигать) goods and services.

7. Trade Fairs and exhibitions are the ways to promote (потребительский товар).

8. All the spheres of business activity are accompanied by (личные контакты).

9. Personnel meetings help to (решать) business problems.

10. It is necessary to make (договорённость) prior to visiting your partner.

11. As a rule, business meetings include not only business (переговоры), but also cultural programs.

12. It is essential in business to (соблюдать договорённости).

13. If you are late, or cannot come at all, you should (уведомить) your partner (заранее).

14. A contract (составлять) to give legal status of transaction.

15. Depending on the purpose of a contract it (охватывать) various trends of economy.

16. It is necessary to (уведомить) the partner of (отгрузка) of the goods.

17. Each contract should contain the item, where (при этом) named partners justify it by their (подпись).

18. In business each offer (действовать) not longer than (в течение) 7 days.

19. The payment by a contract may be realized according to (аккредитив), (счёт-фактура) and so on.

20. Letter writing is the part of (бизнес).

21. Each business letter should be written (тщательно) and (аккуратно).

22. All business letters should be extremely (вежливый).

23. The most convincing letter is that which uses so-called (магические слова).

24. While writing business letter it is necessary to observe the (структура письма).

25. There are three main types of letters: (запрос), (предложение) and (заказ).

26. All the letters should be rounded off by (заключительная фраза) and (подпись).

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