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Завершите следующие фразы подходящим высказыванием

1. your domestic finances are in order; 2. demand pull or cost push; 3. hyperinflation, run-away inflation, galloping inflation; 4. initially anticipated; 5. skilled treatment of business or enterprise; 6. decision making; 7. the private company or the public company; 8. analyze the attitude of the customers and competition; 9. sole proprietor, partnership and joint venture; 10. overdrafts and loans; 11. product, price, place and promotion; 12. start-up expenses, operating expenses, cash flow, break-even point and the value of ownership equity; 13. sales volume and the number of employers; 14. to initiate, organize and direct business; 15. fixed monthly installments during definite period of time; 16. purpose of carrying on business with a view of profit; 17. the efficiency of the business; 18. a medium of exchange, a measure of value, a store of value, a means of making differed payments; 19. the host country tax laws and regulations; 20. at a phenomenal rate.

1. Management can be defined as....

2. The managers at any level are responsible for....

3. To evaluate the market where your business exists it is necessary....

4. The market is world known to consist of the four Ps:....

5. The criteria of small business enterprises are....

6. Entrepreneurs bring together the funds to....

7. Small business enterprises may be classified into....

8. Partnership is the voluntary group of people united for....

9. In joint venture great attention should be given to....

10. Before making a foreign investment, you should ensure that....

11. Your foreign investment in a joint venture may require more funds than....

12. There are two kinds of joint stock company,....

13. To develop financial plan, it is nessary to estimate....

14. Break – even point in other words may be called....

15. The functions of money are....

16. The banks make advances to customers in the form of....

17. One of the innovations in bank lending practice includes the introduction of schemes for repaying personal loans by....

18. Inflation is the state of economics when prices rise....

19. There are several terms for calling the extreme form of inflation, such as...

20. The causes of inflation are usually classified as....

5. Несколько полей ввода (вопрос – ответ)

Дайте развернутый ответ по темам: “Management”, “Marketing”, “Types of enterprises”, “Business plan”, “Banks and Money”.

1. How is management defined and what are the levels of management?

2. What are the aims of marketing and the elements of its strategy?

3. What types of enterprises do you know and what are the principles of their


4. What is the aim of business planning and what is the contents of business plan?

5. What is the range of banking operations?

6. What are the ancient equivalents of money and modern functions of money?

7. What is the reason of inflation and what are its types?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 377 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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