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Guess the word from its explanation

1. Detailed information on how to do something or use something.
2. When you get an easier question to answer during the exam than your group-mate, it means you have a(n) ….. (over him).
3. A computer system that helps people operate machines (engines) and control industrial process.
4. Details of something (ex. event, situation); additional information.
5. When you have a better qualification than another person and you both want to get one and the same job.
6. When you have written or pronounced a word not correctly, your teacher says: “It is a … (or: “You have done a …).
7. When you do something wrong and a computer can’t fulfill your command, it shows you a box with this word.
8. Details of your family life.
9. Nowadays we have this kind of TVs, photo cameras, video cameras. They produce a better image.
10. It means “to make something less in quantity”, to minimize.

11. Find the words from the text and exercises in the following table (7 words). They may be written diagonally, horizontally or vertically:

  a b c d e f g h i j
  B A C E R R O R Q R
  A J L P U R P O S E
  C Q M Z L M R C G K
  K H C W E Y L A X J
  G C W K X A T H F L
  R U N B E N E F I T
  O R R B A K G J X A
  U F Z V H B H F Q W
  N B D I G I T A L Z
  D A J Z Q C K L B W

12. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Translate the idea, not a word for word:

  Rule / instruction; to rule / to control
1. Always read the instructions before you start doing the task.
2. Before using the engine study all the rules.
3. Using an implant has a number of rules.
4. Each university has its own rules of study.
5. Follow all the rules if you want to finish the experiment.
6. The first rule in any interview is to make eye contact with a person.
7. Engineers should know the rules of using engineering equipment.
8. The first rule at our course is not to be late for classes.
9. The main rule of study is to fulfill homework.
10. The golden rule of passing the exam is to study during the term.
  Benefit / advantage
11. I’ve got the benefit of good education.
12. The new rules are to everyone’s benefit.
13. It will be to your benefit to get this qualification.
14. He can’t see the benefit of computer drafting.
15. Implants are good benefit of today’s medicine.
16. To get this job a person needs an engineering background.
17. Can you give the background of CNC system?
18. Let’s have a look at the background of technical drawing.
19. Has he got an architectural background?
20. This student doesn’t have any background knowledge about this invention.


1. Read the text “The Mini Story”. The three paragraphs are from the newspaper article and one is from a fashion magazine. Which one?

THE MINI STORY A. There are 2,500 employees at the plant and working environment is good. The car assembly line is designed ergonomically to be easy to use and comfortable for the operators. For example, the car is raised, lowered, and turned through 90 degrees so the workers can do their jobs comfortably and easily. Old-fashioned, noisy, compressed-air tools have been replaced with quieter and more accurate electric tools. B.The first Mini was first made in 1959 and since then over five million people have owned one. BMW, a German car manufacturer, now owns the Mini and the newest model is being manufactured at an advanced production system in Oxford, England. C. During the 1990s approximately £500 million was spent to change an old Oxford car factory into a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant. The Oxford plant now produces around 100,000 Minis a year. D. In Britain in the 1960s the only really cool car was the Mini. Everybody wanted one. It starred in advertisements and films and was as famous as the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. Anyone who was young, rich, famous, and fashionable had to be photographed sitting on, in, or just near one. And anyone who was poor, unknown, and not very fashionable wanted one too. There were small and cheap and suited the mood of the post-war generation who had more money and freedom than their parents had ever had.  

* (the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 9, pg.10, ex.2)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 874 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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