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Read the following text and think of the title to it

A.In the past, technical drawings for industry and architecture were drawn by hand, i.e. people worked at drawing boards with drawing equipment. These hand-drawn diagrams provided clear technical information but were slow and expensive to make. Nowadays, working drawings are done on computers, which is much quicker.   B. Computers can also: 1. save, change, and recycle the drawings; 2. make 3D images; 3. make drawings bigger or smaller; 4. keep an electronic library of standard parts; 5. Make symmetrical images of components; 6. make accurate and consistent drawings.   C. A good way to explain the advantages is to think about architectural drawing. Features such as windows and doors can be moved until the architect likes the building. Images of the rooms are created in 3D so the viewer can “walk” through the rooms. Designers can also experiment with different arrangements of furniture and colours. * (the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 7, pg.8, ex.4)  

3. Read the text again and find the English equivalents to the following expressions:

- … чертежи…

- … вручную…

- … обеспечивали ясность проекта…

- …дорогостоящий…

- …зеркальные отражения …

- …составные части…

- …преимущества…

- …экспериментировать с…

- …подбор мебели и цвета…

4. Read the text again and choose the correct answers to questions 1 – 4 below:

1. What is the text about?
  a Computer assisted design
  b Working with computers
2. What is paragraph A about?
  a The history and future of CAD systems
  b The connection between technical drawing and CAD
3. What is paragraph B a list of?
  a The problems of using computers in design
  b The advantages of using computers in design
4. What does paragraph C describe?
  a How CAD is used in designing machines
  b How CAD is used in designing homes

* (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 7, pg.8, ex.5)

5. Read paragraph B again. Match each point (1-6) in the text with a benefit from the list (a-d) below:

a) You can draw 50%, then make a mirror image.  
b) You don’t waste time drawing things again and again.  
c) You make fewer mistakes.  
d) You see the finished shape in 3D.  

* (the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 7, pg.8, ex.6)

6. Try to explain why the word “walk” is in inverted commas(“”) in paragraph C?

* (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 7, pg.8, ex.7)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 869 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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