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Read the text again and complete it with the words from above

A HANDMADE CAR The Morgan is a (1) __________ car: it is made in Britain by a family-owned company and it is handmade. Each Morgan is made individually. Modern materials and up-to-date manufacturing technology are combined with 100-year-old (2) __________. There are no assembly lines because each stage of the manufacturing is done by (3) __________ craftsmen. For example, the wooden frame is made in the same way as the first Morgan in 1909, upholsterers make the leather seats, and sheet metalworkers make the panel by hand. In contrast to all these (4) __________ skills, Morgan engineers make precision mechanical components using modern Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machinery so a Morgan driver has a state-of-the-art engine in a traditionally-made car. It takes a long time to make a car by hand. The Morgan factory produces about 500 cars a year. Buyers put their name on a waiting list and then wait for the factory to tell them that their car is finished. The shortest wait is about two years – and sometimes the wait is five years. Like proud parents-to-be, people on the waiting list can visit the factory to see their car being made and to talk to the (5) __________ doing the work.  

* (the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 10, pg.11, ex.2)

3. Read the text again and find the equivalents to the following phrases in the text:

- …компания семейного бизнеса…;

- …современная технология производства…;

- …первоклассные мастера…;

- …тем же способом…;

- …в противовес…;

- …супер-современный двигатель…;

- …это занимает много времени…;

- …самый короткий срок…;

- …будущие родители….

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 978 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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