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Technical drawing

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the following words:

technical drawing discipline clearly
technical drawings graphic communication provides
idea drafter drawing
Computer Aided Design engineering drawing design engineers

‘Technical drawing’ is the (1) __________ of creating standardized (2) __________ by architects, CAD drafters, (3)__________, and other professionals. Technical drawing includes the various fields and technologies (such as electronics), which has in turn revolutionized the art with new tools in the form of (4) __________. This system is known as CAD.

A technical drawing or (5) __________ is a type of (6) __________ and form of (7)__________, used in the transforming of an (8) __________ into physical (9) __________. This type of drawing is used to fully and (10) __________ define requirements for engineered items, and is usually created in accordance with standardized conventions for layout, nomenclature, interpretation, appearance (such as typefaces and line styles), size, etc.

The process of creating a technical drawing is called drafting. A person who does drafting is known as a (11)__________. Sometimes this person is called a drafting technician or a draftsperson. A (12) __________ differs from a common drawing by how it is interpreted. A common drawing can hold many purposes and meanings, while a technical drawing (13) __________ a clear understanding of all specifications of an object or objects.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 1018 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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