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Read the following sentences and fill in the gaps with a verb from the box below in Passive

make compress call use use
use divide make base reduce
make repair spend do teach
limit make draw mark (assess) create

Pr.S. = Present Simple, P.S. = Past Simple, F.S. = Future Simple, Pr.P. = Present Perfect

  1.   Everything we use in modern life __________ by engineers. (Pr.S)
2. The whole science of engineering __________ into 3 main areas – civil, mechanical, electrical engineering. (Pr.S)
3. Most of the time __________ by students doing practical tasks in the workshop. (F.S)
4. Each project __________ at the end of a term. (Pr.S)
5. All courses __________ at Technical College. (Pr.S)
6. Selection __________ on the applicant’s work experience and an interview. (F.S)
7. Metal alloys __________ first. (P.S)
8. Alloys __________ from titanium and nickel. (Pr.S)
9. Shape memory materials __________ “smart”. (Pr.S)
10. Metal alloys __________ in medical implants. (Pr.S)
11. Implants __________ and put into patient’s body. (Pr.S)
12. Liquid crystals (as “smart” material) __________ already __________ in climbing ropes. (Pr.P)
13. If cars __________ of smart metal, a minor accident __________ by leaving the car in the sun. (Pr.S / F.S)
14. The possible uses of smart materials __________ only by human imagination. (Pr.S)
15. In the past technical drawings __________ by hand. (P.S)
16. Nowadays working drawings __________on computers. (Pr.S)
17. Images of the rooms __________ in 3D. (Pr.S)
18. CAD __________ with any kind of machine. (Pr.S)
19. The main advantage of using CNC is that human error __________. (Pr.S)


1. Have you ever heard about a handmade car? Do you know where it is manufactured? How long does it take people to wait to buy it?Read the text “A handmade car” quickly and find the answers to the questions.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 907 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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