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Einstein: an ordinary child

Einstein was not a remarkable child. He began 1__ (take) piano lessons at the age of six. He didn’t seem 2__ (be) particularly talented. He liked 3__ (day-dream) and 4__ (play). He didn’t enjoy 5__ (talk) very much; in fact, he waited till he was three before 6__ (start) to talk. In spite of not 7__ (have) a very exciting childhood, Einstein later appeared 8__ (have) a vivid memory of it. He remembered 9__ (be) impressed by how a compass works and by the mysterious force which made the compass needle 10__ (point) in a given direction.

Exercise 9. Choose the most suitable form.  
1. Most of the scientists (invited / inviting) to the conference were (leading / led) specialists in various branches of radioengineering.
2. Experiment is a test (carried out / being carried out) to gain new knowledge.
3. The number of electronic computers (used / having been used) in any (given / giving) field of human activity is an indication of the degree of its modernity.
4. When (giving / given) advice to others, think whether you would follow it yourself.
5. She avoided (expressing / to express) her opinion in public.
6. Before (discussing / to discuss) the method it is necessary (getting / to get) some additional information.
7. They succeeded (in solving / to solve) the two problems.
8. They suggested (performing / to perform) an experiment (proving / to prove) their point.
9. There are two approaches to the solution of the problem, one (being / to be) used in analytical investigations, the other in simulation.
10. The change in velocity resulted from the force (acting / to act) from outside.
Exercise 10. Use the required form of verbals.  
1. The success of any research depends largely on (define) precisely its objective.
2. It is sometimes very difficult (make) people (see) your point.
3. By (realize) the threat to our environment we have made the first step to its preservation.
4. Unfortunately the advantage of (join) efforts for a complicated job is not always understood.
5. The scientist (recognize) a problem does the first step to its solution.
6. Nobody can avoid people’s (discuss) their mistakes.
7. These advanced concepts have been immediately applied to practice, (give) rise to a new branch of technology.
8. Research is searching without (know) what you are going to find.
9. We have overcome the difficulties by directly (consider) all the strategies.
10. The human race can continue (benefit) from science for centuries to come.
11. It’s no use (try) (interrupt) him. You’ll have (wait) till he stops (talk).

Раздел 6. Причастие

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1655 | Нарушение авторского права страницы

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