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When Michael Corleone went into the city that night it was with a depressed

Spirit. He felt that he was being enmeshed in the Family business against his will

And he resented Sonny using him even to answer the phone. He felt

Uncomfortable being on the inside of the Family councils as if he could be

Absolutely trusted with such secrets as murder. And now, going to see Kay, he

Felt guilty about her also. He had never been completely honest with her about his

Family. He had told her about them but always with little jokes and colorful

Anecdotes that made them seem more like adventurers in a Technicolor movie

Than what they really were. And now his father had been shot down in the street

And his eldest brother was making plans for murder. That was putting it plainly

And simply but that was never how he would tell it to Kay. He had already said his

father being shot was more like an "accident" and that all the trouble was over.

Hell, it looked like it was just beginning. Sonny and Tom were off-center on this

Guy Sollozzo, they were still underrating him, even though Sonny was smart

Enough to see the danger. Michael tried to think what the Turk might have up his

Sleeve. He was obviously a bold man, a clever man, a man of extraordinary force.

You had to figure him to come up with a real surprise. But then Sonny and Tom

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 393 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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