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Michael laughed. She had remembered him telling her how important it was

to do such things if you wanted to get along with the old Italians. "This is a

special case," he said. "If the newspaper guys get a hold of your name and

background you'll be on page three of the Daily News. Girl from old Yankee family

mixed up with son of big Mafia chief. How would your parents like that?"

12 Kay said dryly, "My parents never read the Daily News. " Again there was an

awkward pause and then she said, "You're OK, aren't you, Mike, you're not in any


13 Mike laughed again. "I'm known as the sissy of the Corleone family. No threat.

So they don't have to bother coming after me. No, it's all over, Kay, there won't be

any more trouble. It was all sort of an accident anyway. I'll explain when I see


14 "When will that be?" she asked.

15 Michael pondered. "How about late tonight? We'll have a drink and supper in

your hotel and then I'll go to the hospital and see my old man. I'm getting tired of

hanging around here answering phones. OK? But don't tell anybody. I don't want

newspaper photographers snapping pictures of us together. No kidding, Kay, it's

damned embarrassing, especially for your parents."

16 "All right," Kay said. "I'll be waiting. Can I do any Christmas shopping for you?

Or anything else?"

17 "No," Michael said. "Just be ready."

18 She gave a little excited laugh. "I'll be ready," she said. "Aren't I always?"

19 "Yes, you are," he said. "That's why you're my best girl."

20 "I love you," she said. "Can you say it?"

21 Michael looked at the four hoods sitting in the kitchen. "No," he said.

"Tonight, OK?"

22 "OK," she said. He hung up.

23 Clemenza had finally come back from his day's work and was bustling around

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 315 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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