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The conference went on as if there had been no interruption. Sonny asked

Hagen, "Any change in the Don's condition?"

36 Hagen shook his head. "He's OK but he won't be able to talk for another

couple of days. He's all knocked out. Still recovering from the operation. Your

mother spends most of the day with him, Connie too. There's cops all over the

hospital and Tessio's men hang around too, just in case. In a couple of days he'll

Be all right and then we can see what he wants us to do. Meanwhile we have to

keep Sollozzo from doing anything rash. That's why I want to start you talking

deals with him."

37 Sonny grunted. "Until he does, I've got Clemenza and Tessio looking for him.

Maybe we'll get lucky and solve the whole business."

38 "You won't get lucky," Hagen said. "Sollozzo is too smart." Hagen paused.

"He knows once he comes to the table he'll have to go our way mostly. That's

why he's stalling. I'm guessing he's trying to line up support from the other New

York Families so that we won't go after him when the old man gives us the word."

39 Sonny frowned. "Why the hell should they do that?" Hagen said patiently, "To

Avert a big war which hurts everybody and brings the papers and government

Into the act. Also, Sollozzo will give them a piece of the action. And you know

how much dough there is in drugs. The Corleone Family doesn't need it, we have

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 291 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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