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Was a man who suspected everyone and everything. He was always ready for the

worst. I think maybe he just went off someplace for a few days. We'll be hearing

from him anytime now."

48 Sonny turned to Tessio. The Brooklyn caporegime shrugged. "Any man can

Turn traitor. Luca was very touchy. Maybe the Don offended him some way. That

Could be. I think though that Sollozzo gave him a little surprise. That fits in with

what the Consigliori says. We should expect the worst."

49 Sonny said to all of them, "Sollozzo should get the word soon about Paulie

Gatto. How will that affect him?"

50 Clemenza said grimly, "It will make him think. He will know the Corleone

Family are not fools. He will realize that he was very lucky yesterday."

51 Sonny said sharply, "That wasn't luck. Sollozzo was planning that for weeks.

They must have tailed the old man to his office every day and watched his routine.

Then they bought Paulie off and maybe Luca. They snatched Tom right on the

Button. They did everything they wanted to do. They were unlucky, not lucky.

Those button men they hired weren't good enough and the old man moved too

Quick. If they had killed him, I would have had to make a deal and Sollozzo would

Have won. For now. I would have waited maybe and got him five, ten years from

now. But don't call him lucky, Pete, that's underrating him. And we've done that

too much lately."

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 319 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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