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The day after the shooting of Don Corleone was a busy time for the Family

Michael stayed by the phone relaying messages to Sonny. Tom Hagen was busy

Trying to find a mediator satisfactory to both parties so that a conference could be

Arranged with Sollozzo. The Turk had suddenly become cagey, perhaps he knew

That the Family button men of Clemenza and Tessio were ranging far and wide

Over the city in an attempt to pick up his trail. But Sollozzo was sticking close to

His hideout, as were all top members of the Tattaglia Family. This was expected

By Sonny, an elementary precaution he knew the enemy was bound to take.

Clemenza was tied up with Paulie Gatto. Tessio had been given the

Assignment of trying to track down the whereabouts of Luca Brasi. Luca had not

Been home since the night before the shooting, a bad sign. But Sonny could not

Believe that Brasi had either turned traitor or had been taken by surprise.

Mama Corleone was staying in the city with friends of the Family so that she

Could be near the hospital. Carlo Rizzi, the son-in-law, had offered his services

But had been told to take care of his own business that Don Corleone had set him

Up in, a lucrative bookmaking territory in the Italian section of Manhattan. Connie

Was staying with her mother in town so that she too could visit her father in the

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 267 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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