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Woltz was not a stupid man, he was merely a supremely egotistical one. He

Had mistaken the power he wielded in his world to be more potent than the power

Of Don Corleone. He had merely needed some proof that this was not true. He

Understood this message. That despite all his wealth, despite all his contacts with

The President of the United States, despite all his claims of friendship with the

Director of the FBI, an obscure importer of Italian olive oil would have him killed.

Would actually have him killed! Because he wouldn't give Johnny Fontane a

movie part he wanted. It was incredible. People didn't have any right to act that

way. There couldn't be any kind of world if people acted that way. It was insane. It

meant you couldn't do what you wanted with your own money, with the

Companies you owned, the power you had to give orders. It was ten times worse

Than communism. It had to be smashed. It must never be allowed.

Woltz let the doctor give him a very mild sedation. It helped him calm down

Again and to think sensibly. What really shocked him was the casualness with

Which this man Corleone had ordered the destruction of a world-famous horse

worth six hundred thousand dollars. Six hundred thousand dollars! And that was

Just for openers. Woltz shuddered. He thought of this life he had built up. He was

Rich. He could have the most beautiful women in the world by crooking his finger

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 321 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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