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Have the willingness to suffer heavy financial loss delay on his movies would

mean, the scandal of his big star exposed as a user of heroin? Again the answer

Was yes. But again this was not what the Don meant. Finally Hagen translated the

Question properly in his mind. Did Jack Woltz have the balls to risk everything, to

run the chance of losing all on a matter of principle, on a matter of honor; for


Hagen smiled. He did it rarely but now he could not resist jesting with the Don.

"You're asking if he is a Sicilian." The Don nodded his head pleasantly,

acknowledging the flattering witticism and its truth. "No," Hagen said.

That had been all. The Don had pondered the question until the next day. On

Wednesday afternoon he had called Hagen to his home and given him his

instructions. The instructions had consumed the rest of Hagen's working day and

Left him dazed with admiration. There was no question in his mind that the Don

Had solved the problem, that Woltz would call him this morning with the news

That Johnny Fontane had the starring part in his new war movie.

At that moment the phone did ring but it was Amerigo Bonasera. The

undertaker's voice was trembling with gratitude. He wanted Hagen to convey to

The Don his undying friendship. The Don had only to call on him. He, Amerigo

Bonasera, would lay down his life for the blessed Godfather. Hagen assured him

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 371 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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