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Be made to tell who had done the buying

1 Woltz was not a stupid man, he was merely a supremely egotistical one (только

крайне: «в высшей степени» эгоистичный; supreme [sju'pri:m] – высший,

высочайший). He had mistaken the power he wielded in his world to be more potent

than the power of Don Corleone. He had merely needed some proof (доказательство)

that this was not true. He understood this message. That despite all his wealth, despite

all his contacts with the President of the United States, despite all his claims of

friendship with the director of the FBI, an obscure importer of Italian olive oil (obscure

[∂b’skju∂] – темный, тусклый, плохо освещенный; незаметный, никому не

известный) would have him killed (мог бы его убить). Would actually have him killed!

Because he wouldn't give Johnny Fontane a movie part he wanted. It was incredible.

People didn't have any right to act that way. There couldn't be any kind of world if

people acted that way. It was insane (безумно, абсурдно [ın'seın]). It meant you

couldn't do what you wanted with your own money, with the companies you owned, the

power you had to give orders. It was ten times worse than communism. It had to be

smashed (это должно бы быть сокрушено). It must never be allowed (это никогда,

вовсе не должно быть позволено).

2 Woltz let the doctor give him a very mild sedation (легкое успокоительное; mild

[maıld] – мягкий, спокойный; неострый, некрепкий). It helped him calm down again

(успокоиться) and to think sensibly (разумно). What really shocked him was the

casualness (легкость /поступка/; casually – ненароком, мимоходом) with which this

man Corleone had ordered the destruction of a world-famous horse worth six hundred

thousand dollars. Six hundred thousand dollars! And that was just for openers (только

начало; opener – начальное событие /в серии событий/; for openers – для начала).

Woltz shuddered (содрогнулся). He thought of this life he had built up. He was rich. He

could have the most beautiful women in the world by crooking his finger (поманив

пальцем: «согнув палец») and promising a contract. He was received by kings and

queens. He lived a life as perfect as money and power could make it. It was crazy to

risk all this because of a whim (из-за каприза). Maybe he could get to Corleone. What

was the legal penalty for killing a race-horse? He laughed wildly and his doctor and

servants watched him with nervous anxiety (с беспокойством, тревогой [жŋg’zaı∂tı]).

Another thought occurred to him (пришла: «случилась» ему в голову). He would be

the laughingstock (посмешищем) of California merely because someone had

contemptuously defied his power (презрительно бросил вызов его власти; to defy

[dı’faı] – вызывать, бросать вызов) in such arrogant fashion (таким высокомерным,

наглым образом). That decided him (это решило дело, заставило его принять

решение). That and the thought that maybe, maybe they wouldn't kill him. That they

had something much more clever and painful in reserve (хитрое и болезненное в


3 Woltz gave the necessary orders. His personal confidential staff swung into action

(его личная доверенная команда бросилась выполнять). The servants and the

doctor were sworn to secrecy (поклялись хранить тайну, принесли присягу о

соблюдении секретности) on pain of incurring the studio's and Woltz's undying enmity

(под угрозой навлечения на себя вечной вражды; to incur [ın’k∂:] – подвергаться,

навлекать на себя). Word was given to the press that the racehorse Khartoum had

died of an illness contracted during his shipment from England (от болезни,

полученной при его переправке). Orders were given to bury the remains (захоронить

останки) in a secret place on the estate (на территории имения).

4 Six hours later Johnny Fontane received a phone call from the executive producer

(от исполнительного директора) of the film telling him to report for work (явиться на

работу; to report – сообщать; докладывать; являться, представать) the following


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