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Meeting the next day with Virgil Sollozzo. The Don had summoned his eldest son

To attend, and Sonny Corleone, his heavy Cupid-shaped face drawn with fatigue,

Was sipping at a glass of water. He must still be humping that maid of honor,

Hagen thought. Another worry.

Don Corleone settled into an armchair puffing his Di Nobili cigar. Hagen kept a

Box of them in his room. He had tried to get the Don to switch to Havanas but the

Don claimed they hurt his throat.

3 "Do we know everything necessary for us to know?" the Don asked.

Hagen opened the folder that held his notes. The notes were in no way

Incriminating, merely cryptic reminders to make sure he touched on every

important detail. "Sollozzo is coming to us for help," Hagen said. "He will ask the

Family to put up at least a million dollars and to promise some sort of immunity

From the law. For that we get a piece of the action, nobody knows how much.

Sollozzo is vouched for by the Tattaglia family and they may have a piece of the

Action. The action is narcotics. Sollozzo has the contacts in Turkey, where they

Grow the poppy. From there he ships to Sicily. No trouble. In Sicily he has the

Plant to process into heroin. He has safety-valve operations to bring it down to

Morphine and bring it up to heroin if necessary. But it would seem that the

Processing plant in Sicily is protected in every way. The only hitch is bringing it

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 437 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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