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That the Don would be told

7 The Daily News had carried a middle-page spread of Jerry Wagner and Kevin

Moonan lying in the street. The photos were expertly gruesome, they seemed to

Be pulps of human beings. Miraculously, said the News, they were both still alive

Though they would both be in the hospital for months and would require plastic

Surgery. Hagen made a note to tell Clemenza that something should be done for

Paulie Gatto. He seemed to know his job.

Hagen worked quickly and efficiently for the next three hours consolidating

earning reports from the Don's real estate company, his olive oil importing

Business and his construction firm. None of them were doing well but with the

War over they should all become rich producers. He had almost forgotten the

Johnny Fontane problem when his secretary told him California was calling. He

felt a little thrill of anticipation as he picked up the phone and said, "Hagen here."

The voice that came over the phone was unrecognizable with hate and passion.

"You fucking bastard," Woltz screamed. "I'll have you all in jail for a hundred

years. I'll spend every penny I have to get you. I'll get that Johnny Fontane's balls

cut off, do you hear me, you guinea fuck?"

10 Hagen said kindly, "I'm German-Irish." There was a long pause and then a

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 360 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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