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Complete the dialogues using a suitable combination of quantifiers and nouns

1. A: It’s too hot for jeans. B: You need __________.

2. A: I have to cut this paper into three parts. B: You need __________.

3. A: I can’t see because the sun is in my eyes. B: You need __________.

4. I don’t know what to do when I leave college. B: You need __________.

5. My room looks so empty. B: You need __________.

6. I can’t play my music loud because my mother always complains. B: You need __________.

7. My teacher said my English wasn’t getting any better. B: You need __________.

apair of, a piece of, an item of, a set of a lot of

Write your opinion.

Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.

To cause to panic decisions to jump the gun to sleep on it the right time chance


The Second Conditional. Kyiv

Rephrase the sentences using the Second Conditional.

1. I don’t know your address, so I can’t call for you. 2. She is ill, so she can’t keep the date. 3. It is late, so we can’t finish the work today. 4. We haven’t got enough money, so we can’t go on a tour of the city. 5. I don’t have spare time, so I can’t phone you. 6. The day is not cold, so the children won’t play indoors. 7. The bread isn’t fresh, so I won’t buy any. 8. I’m not a doctor, so I can’t help you. 9. I don’t know your friend, so I can’t pick him up from the airport.

2. Now use I wish I + conditional 2.

Translate into English.

1. Якби була гарна погода, ми пішли б на прогулянку. 2. Якби в мене була зараз відпустка, я б поїхав до Криму. 3. Шкода, що мені сьогодні треба йти на роботу. 4. На вашому місці я б обійшов усі музеї міста (to do). 5. Якби ви познайомилися з моїм другом (to meet), він би вам розповів про це детальніше. 6. Я був би дуже радий, якби ви пішли зі мною (to join). 7. Я шкодую, що вас немає з нами.

4. Under what circumstances would you:

a lie to someone close to you?

B give a lift to a complete stranger?

C walk out of your job, or drop out of college?

D steal something from a shop?

E hit someone?

F lend a large amount of money?

H leave your country forever?

5. Rephrase the sentences using ’d better.

1. I advise you to go and get ready. 2. You should ask Jo first. 3. It’s not a good idea to tell Oliver about it. 4. It would be a good idea to book the flight in advance. 5. You should tell him the truth.

6. Rephrase the sentences using I suggest + the present subjunctive (bare infinitive).

1. You should phone before you go round there. 2. You should make a tour of the city. 3. I advise him to go to the park. 4. It would be a good idea if you left London. 5. I advise her to take out medical insurance when visiting China. 6. She has to take a different decision. 7. We must discuss the contract thoroughly. 8. I think we must put the meeting off. 9. Mr Hill asked his students to use a good dictionary. 10. My doctor advised me to have a long holiday.

Read and translate the text. Use the underlined words to retell it.


Kyiv is the largest and the most beautiful city of Ukraine. In 1982 it celebrated its 1500-th anniversary. Kyiv lies on both banks of the river Dnipro. It is one of the greenest cities in the world.

There are lots of attractions to see here. One should not fail to see the Dnipro slopes, the ancient monuments and cathedrals, the Palace “Ukraina” and the main thoroughfare Khreshchatyk.

Kyiv is a well-known industrial and scientific centre. Its industries manufacture sea-going fishing trawlers, planes, automated lathes, excavators, motorcycles, equipment for chemical, optical, electrical, measuring and radiotechnical tools, hundreds of thousands of consumer goods. The city has over 300 research and design institutes.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 524 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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