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Euro 2012. Study the phrases

To play versus …

to score a goal in the 45th minute

to open the score

to even the score

with 6 minutes to go

to win the game 2:0 (two-nil)

to end in a 3:3 (draw)

to defeat sb 2:0

to be a goalless draw

to shut out sb 3:0

quarter-final, semi-final, final

Use the above phrases to comment on the results.

11 June, Ukraine vs. Sweden 2:1 (Ibrahimovic ’52, Shevchenko ’55, ’62)

12 June, Poland vs. Russia 1:1

14 June, Spain vs. Republic of Ireland 4:0

18 June, Croatia vs. Spain 0:1 (Navas ’88)

23 June, 1/4 Spain vs. France 2:0

10. Rephrase the sentences using to give sb the creeps.

1. I hate horror films. 2. I hate cockroaches. 3. I’m afraid of rats and snakes. 4. I’m scared of spiders. 5. This music makes me feel scared.

11. Translate the sentences, choosing between besides (включаючи) and except (за винятком).

1. Він встає рано щодня, крім неділі. 2. Які інші мови ви знаєте, крім англійської? 3. Які міста ви відвідали, крім Лондона? 4. Вона їсть усе, крім м’яса. 5. Що ми ще візьмемо, крім морозива? 6. Я відповів на всі запитання, крім останнього.

12. Rephrase the sentences using the verbs of senses: to look, to sound, to taste, to feel, to smell.

1. The flowers are very nice. 2. His voice was loud enough. 3. Your hands are cold. 4. Your new hairdo is just fine. 5. The bread was good. 6. It is cold in here. 7. It seems to me you are tired. 8. These vegetables aren’t fresh. 9. Is my new hi-fi fine? 10. Your perfume is just terrific.

13. Match an ‘extreme’ adjective in column A with an ‘ordinary’ adjective in column B.

brilliant frightened
tragic interested
furious very bad
fascinated sad
astonished cold
boiling angry
terrified surprised
freezing hot
terrible very good

Write your opinion.

It is necessary to do the sports regularly.

Fit weight emotions friends favourite active stress


The Passive Voice. Ukraine


Someone does it. – It is done.

Someone is doing it. - ……….

Someone has done it. - ……….

Someone will do it. - ………….

Someone did it. - …………

Use the words to make passive sentences in all possible tenses.

1) cars / to be produced; 2) a conference / to be held; 3) Italian food / to be exported; 5) a topic / to be discussed.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 233 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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