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Travelling. Do the quiz

1. My parents are going on a luxury __________, 10 days sailing around the Mediterranean.

a) flight

b) cruise

c) journey

d) trip

2. How long does it __________ to fly from Singapore to Bangkok?

a) duration

b) last

c) take

d) go

3. What time does your train __________? (arrive)

a) get on

b) get into

c) get at

d) get in

4. If you go on a walking holiday in the countryside, which bag would be most practical?

a) a handbag

b) a suitcase

c) a backpack

d) a day bag

5. John wanted to go travelling, but he didn’t have much money so he decided to __________ around the UK.

a) hitch-hike

b) auto-stop

c) car-stop

d) get a lift

Write your opinion.

All people are liable to error.

choice to learn from machine to avoid advice to experience


The Phrasal Verbs. The Gerund.


Study the information in the table.

Single verbs phrasal verbs
to continue to work to go on working
to dismiss 250 workers to lay off 250 workers
to produce 100 cars a day to turn out 100 cars a day
to increase by 10% to go up by 10%
to decrease by 10% to go down by 10%
to refuse an invitation to turn down an invitation
to accept a situation to put up with a situation
to invent an excuse to come up with an excuse

Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.

Phrasal verbs definitions
to take up to investigate
to get in touch with to squeeze
to look into to start doing a new activity
to take place to sign an agreement
to fit smth in to discover
to sign up to happen
to look smth up to make contact with smb
to pick up to find a piece of information in a book or on the Internet
to find out to take away

Now complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs.

1. I thought I might try and … my old friends from university. I haven’t seen them for years. 2. My sister has just decided to … painting as a hobby 3. The Olympic Games … in a different country every four years. 4. Have you … those new words in the dictionary yet? 5. Has she … if she can get a day’s holiday yet? 6. Did you … a cinema programme when you were in town yesterday? 7. The police said they were … the crime. 8. I don’t know how you … all the things you have to do every day! 9. Have you … for the tennis lessons yet?

Use the information in the table to translate the sentences into English using the gerund.

After verbs after prepositions after possessives
to start reading after coming home your excusing me

1. Ми закінчили читати роман. 2. Коли ми прийшли, він продовжував працювати. 3. Він любить малювати. 4. Вибачте за те, що ва перериваю. 5. Вибачте за запізнення. 6. Пообідавши, ми поїхали на екскурсію містом. 7. Ваш прихід був би дуже бажаним. 8. Ти не проти, якщо прийде моя сестра? 9. Ви не проти, якщо я відкрию вікно?

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 426 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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