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The Present Perfect Continuous. Sport

Express the same idea in one sentence instead of two using the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. My sister began to learn French two years ago. She is still learning it. 2. Our teacher began to teach English fifteen years ago. He is still teaching it. 3. I began to look for my keys half an hour ago. I am still looking for them. 4. His father began to work for the Ukrainian International Airlines in 1995. He is still working there. 5. The child fell asleep at ten o’clock. He is still sleeping.

Answer the questions explaining the reason and using the present perfect continuous.

1. Why are you so dirty? – I’ve been working in the garden.

2. Why are her eyes red? – …

3. Why are you angry? – …

4. Why is his English so fluent? – …

5. Why are you wet? – …

6. Why haven’t you phoned me? – …

Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Where are your students? – They (to take) the exams. They (to take) them since the tenth of January. They always (to take) them in January. They already (to take) two of them. 2. Ann (to have) her German lessons now. She (to have) them twice a week. 3. I am going to take a walk. I (to do) all my exercises already. I (to do) them for three hours. 4. Since when they (to build) this house? 5. At last I (to find) the job I need. I (to look) for it for three months. 6. Don’t shout. Helen (to read) an English book. She (to work) at her English every day. She (to learn) this language for two years.

Translate into English.

1. Що ти тут робиш? – Чекаю на автобус. Скільки часу ти чекаєш на нього? – Я чекаю на нього вже десять хвилин. 2. Ми вивчаємо англійську мову. Мій товариш вивчає її вже чотири роки. 3. З якого часу його батько працює юристом компанії Дженерал Моторс? 4. Дощ іде зранку. 5. Микола закінчив університет три роки тому. З того часу він працює економістом у міністерстві. 6. Студенти вже півгодини обговорюють ситуацію, що склалася навколо виборів президента.

5. Translate into English using: to put (down / off / up / on / into).

1. Покладіть, будь ласка, ручки. 2. Постав на хвилинку сумки. 3. Їй довелося змиритися з його характером (temper). 4. Студенти поставили п’єсу. 5. Можна записати вашу адресу і телефон у записничок? 6. Зустріч було відкладено до завтра. 7. На ніч ми можемо влаштуватися у готелі. 8. Я б це пояснив (to) поганим (poor) освітленням. 9. Перекладіть це речення англійською краще.

Read and present the kinds of sport.


Among the most popular leisure time activities are sports of every kind.

Golf, one of the most popular participation sports, is played all year except when the ground is covered with snow. The only equipment you need for golf is a set of clubs and balls.

Another popular is bowling. It is estimated that millions of people bowl in the United States. Many bowling leagues are formed by members of organizations such as churches or charitable groups.

Skiing attracts both individuals and families. It is more expensive than many other sports. So skiers with more time and money go to resorts in Colorado or the Alps.

Tennis has become popular as a participation sport. It is played all year in- or outdoors and does not require much equipment.

One of the most popular British sports is rugby. It is a type of football in which all players are allowed to handle the oval ball. There is also a lot of hard physical contact. The ball is passed by hand. Running with the ball and passing it are the most important and exciting skills.

- Write each word under the correct verb.

Baseball basketball bicycling bowling dancing football golf hiking ice-skating pool rugby shopping skateboarding skiing snowboarding soccer swimming tennis video games volleyball

Play go

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8. Go, play or do? Do the quiz.

1. Do you _____ shopping often?

a) go

b) play

c) do

d) all of the above

2. I _____ football for my local team when I was younger, but I just don’t have the energy anymore.

a) went

b) did

c) played

d) all of the above

3. Have you ever _____ an evening course? It’s great way to make new friends.

a) played

b) gone

c) done

d) all of the above

4. She _____ tennis every week, you know, and she must be at least 60!

a) plays

b) does

c) goes

d) all of the above

5. I love _____ dancing – every Saturday night you’ll find me on the dance floor all night long!

a) doing

b) do

c) going

d) go

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