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Reserves Estimation

Before any production has been obtained, the so-called ‘volumetric estimate of reserves’ is usually made. Geological and geophysical data are combined to obtain a range of contour maps with the help of a planimeter and other tools the hydrocarbon bearing rock volumes can be estimated. From well log petrophysical analysis, estimates of an average porosity and water saturation can be made and when applied to the hydrocarbon rock volume yield an estimate of oil in place (STOIIP). Since it is well known that only a fraction of this oil may in fact be ‘recoverable’, laboratory tests on cores may be carried out to estimate movable oil. The reserve estimate finally arrived at is little more than an educated guess but a very important one for it determines company policy.

Task 4. Webquest. Use the Internet, research one of the topics below and be ready to report back to the group.

1. Oil reserves

2. Estimation techniques for reserves

3. Choose your own topic


1. Alley M. The Craft of Scientific Presentations. Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid. – New York: Springer-Verlag, 2003. – 245 p.

2. Grussendorf M. English for Presentations. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. – 76 p.

3. Ellis D. Becoming a Master Student. – Boston: Wadsworth Publishing, 2011. – 426 p.

4. Murray N., Beglar D. Inside Track to Writing Dissertation and Thesis, 2009. – 242 p.

5. Wallwork A. English for Presentations at International Conferences. – New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2010. – 196 p.

6. Wallwork A. English for Writing Research Papers. – New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2011. – 349 p.


1. English Communication for Scientists - http://www.nature.com/scitable

2. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Guide for Authors. – http://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-heat-and-mass-transfer/

3. Institute of Physics – www.iop.org

4. National Europass Centre - www.europass.cedefop.europa.eu.

5. Penn State University – http://www.psu.edu/

6. Proficia: Biomedical & Engineering English - http://www.proficia.seoul.kr/learn/

7. AIP Publishing – www.scitation.aip.org

8. The no.1 site for UK postgrad courses – http://www.postgrad.com/

Recommended sources

1. The Web's Largest Resource for Definitions & Translation – http://www.definitions.net/

2. The Web's Largest Resource for Synonyms & Antonyms – http://www.synonyms.net

Appendix 1.


Giving your opinion
more formal neutral less formal
It’s my view that… I take the view that… I believe … To me …   I think… What I think is … I’d say that … It seems to me that … I have to say that … As far as I concerned … It seems clear/obvious/evident to me that … I am (not) persuaded that…
Agreeing and disagreeing
agreeing partly agreeing disagreeing
Yes, that’s right… That’s a good point… Yes, you are (quit/absolutely) right… That’s what I think… Absolutely…   Yes, OK, but… I see what you mean, but… I take your point, but… I accept that, but… That may be true, but… I’m not sure about that… Is there any evidence for that? But don’t you think…? But you can’t really mean..? But there’s no evidence for that… But that goes against… But what about… I don’t (really) agree with you/that... I don’t think that’s right/true… I don’t see how you can say…
Giving a Presentation
1. Introducing institute/department
Hi. Thanks for coming ... I am a MSc student/researcher/technician at I am doing a Masters/some research at … I am part of a team of 20 researchers and most of our funding comes from… The work that I am going to present to you today was carried out with the collaboration of the University of…
2. Telling the audience what point your research has reached and in what context it is
What I am going to present is actually still only in its early stages, but I really think that our findings so far are worth telling you. We are already at a quite advanced stage of the research, but I was hoping to get some feedback from you on certain aspects relating to… Our research, which we have just finished, is actually part of a wider project Involving….
3. Giving a general outline (formal)
In this presentation I am going to / I would like to / I will discuss some findings of an international project examine / analyze / bring to your attention introduce the notion of / a new model of review / discuss / describe / argue that address a particular issue, which in my opinion,.. give an analysis of / explore the meaning of cite research by Serge Haroche
4. Giving your agenda
traditional less formal informal
I will begin with an introduction to… I will begin by giving you an overview of… Then I will move on to… After that I will deal with… And I will conclude with… First, I’d like to do A / I’m going to do / I’ll be looking at A. Then, we’ll be looking at B / we’ll focus on B. Finally, we’ll have a look at C / I’m going to take you through C. So, let’s begin by looking at A. So this is what I am going to talk about… and the main focus will be on…. and what I think, well what I hope, you will find interesting is….   I’m NOT going to cover X and Y, I’m just going to…
more dynamic
This is what I’m planning to cover. I’ve chosen to focus on X because I think it has massive implications for…/ it is an area that has been really neglected…/ I’m hoping to get some ideas from you on how to…/ that what we’ve found is really interesting I think we have found a radically new solution for … / truly innovative approach to…/ novel way to…. We are excited about our results because this is the first time research has shown that ... Why is X is so important? Well, in this presentation I am going to give you three good reasons… What do we know about Y? Well, actually a lot more/less than you might think. Today I hope to prove to you that
5. Referring to handout
I’ve prepared a handout on this, which I will give you at the end - so there’s no need to take notes. Details can also be found on our website. The URL is on the handout.
6. Transitions
Okay, so let me start by looking at ... So first I’d like to give you a bit of background. So why did we undertake this research? Well, ... So what were our main objectives? Well, .. Introducing a new element or topic With regard to x ... As far as x is concerned ... Regarding x ... Getting the audience interested in the next topic Did you know that you can do X with Y? You didn’t, well in the next section of this presentation I’ll be telling you how. Direct transition Let me now move onto the question of ... This brings me to my next point ... Next I would like to examine ... Now we’re going to look at Z. // Now I’d like to show you Z. // Now I’d like to talk about Z. Okay, let’s move on to Z. Now we are going to do X. X will help you to do Y.
7. Making reference to parts of the presentation
Referring forward Referring backward Referring to current slide
I’m going to do X, Y, and Z. I’m not going to cover this aspect now, I’m just going to... I’ll go into a bit of detail for each concept. I’ll explain this in a moment/I’ll talk about that later. As we will see later... As I said before... Remember I said that... The concept I mentioned earlier... As I mentioned a moment ago... To return to my earlier point... If we go back to this slide… Here you can see... Notice that it has... As you can see...
8. Ending
Okay, we’re very close to the end now, but there are just a couple of important things that I still want to tell you. Well that brings me to the end of the presentation. So, just to recap... Thanks very much for coming. Thank you for your attention.
Beginning a Q&A session Does anyone have any questions on this? I’dbe really interested in hearing your questions on this. [Ifnooneasksasaquestion] One question I am often asked is... If you ask any questions I would be grateful if you could ask them slowly and clearly, as - my English is a bit rusty - many attendees here today are not native speakers of English
What to say when you don’t understand a question from the audience Sorry, could you repeat the question more slowly please? Sorry, could you speak up please? Sorry, I didn’t hear the first/last part of your question. Sorry, I still don’t understand—would you mind asking me the question again in the break? Sorry, but to answer that question would take rather too long, however you can find the explanation on my web pages or in my paper. I’m not exactly clear what your question is.
Avoiding difficult questions I’m not familiar with the details regarding that question. I can’t give you an exact answer on that, I am afraid. That’s a very interesting question and my answer is simply I really don’t know! That’s a good question and I wish I had a ready answer, but I am afraid I don’t. You know, I’ve never been asked that question before and to be honest I really wouldn’t know how to answer it. I would not like to comment on that. I am sorry but I am not in a position to comment on that. I am not sure there really is a right or wrong answer to that. What I personally believe is...

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Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2015-11-01; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 315 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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