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Task 5. Skim the text and choose the best title for it

a) Interacting during Conference Sessions

d) Speaking Situations at a Conference

d) The Format of a Conference


When it comes to interactive moments at a conference — discussing your poster, chairing a session, or moderating a panel discussion — you must not only master the content but also manage the process. You must launch the interaction, guide it, and wrap it up. To be able to do so smoothly, you must prepare well, and you must do what you can to help other participants be well prepared, too.

A poster presentation is a form of oral communication. Accordingly, design your poster like a set of slides rather than a paper. Select a few messages and get them across by stating them verbally and illustrating them visually. Organize these messages into a meaningful layout on your poster. Relegate details to a handout. Then, at the conference but before your poster session, take any chance you get to promote your poster: Make people curious about it, encourage them to come see it, and make sure they can find it if they try. During the poster session, be proactive. Invite attendees with a smile and a cheerful welcome. Strike up conversation, manage the flow of questions and visitors, and be ready to repeat the same explanations to different people. End each conversation on a positive note, ideally by giving people a business card or, better yet, a handout.

Chairing a session is not an improvised task. To provide attendees with the global view they need to structure their learning, take time to introduce and close the session, previewing or recapping its contents and linking it to other sessions at the conference. To bring the speakers closer to the audience, introduce them carefully, daring to break free from traditional, often boring, conventions: Think about what the audience needs to know or might enjoy knowing, as well as about what would make the speakers look good. For a smooth process, manage time and questions gently but firmly. When speakers are in control, be discreet. When they are in trouble, intervene.

Panel discussions are a team effort. Prepare not only for the topic or the questions you know you will be asked, but also for the other panelists. Try to meet the other panelists before the session begins. Make sure you are clear on the format and process. During the discussion, follow the moderator's instructions (and give him or her hints if needed). Listen to what other panelists are saying so you can build on their answers constructively, even if you disagree. Keep the ball rolling: Make short contributions, hand over to other panelists (especially if you have no answer to offer), and encourage exchanges of viewpoints.

If you must moderate a panel or, more generally, chair a session, insist on meeting the panelists or speakers ahead of time, even if briefly, to go over the process, verify their biographical information (including how to pronounce their names), and simply get to know them. Much stress comes from the fear of the unknown — and through a short briefing with all people involved, you can eliminate many unknowns.

In all speaking situations, only the person currently speaking should make eye contact with those spoken to, usually the audience. If you are visible to the audience but not speaking, look at whoever is speaking to help redirect other people's gazes to him or her. For example, if you are being introduced, look at the chairperson introducing you, not at the audience. If you are the chairperson, look at the audience when asking for questions, but look mostly at the speaker while he or she is answering.

(English Communication for Scientists)

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 302 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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