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Главная Случайная страница Контакты | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! | |
1. Introduction | Questions |
A. Background of the research | Why is your research reasonable? |
B. Research problem or research questions | Why did you carry out your research and why are you writing this paper? |
C. Gap or lack of research in the field | What gap in the current knowledge do you hope to fill? More common in social sciences and almost required in dissertation writing to show that your thesis is a significant document. |
D. Purpose of the paper | Many sciences and engineering abstracts do not have much background but start with the purpose of the research or even the method. |
E. Description of the paper | What is the innovative contribution of your work? What did you do and achieve? What makes it different from previous research? Summarizes what the paper does. |
2. Methods | Methods sections are generally longer in Dissertations. Smaller in other abstracts. |
3. Results | What is new compared to previous results? Many scientific abstracts concentrate more on the results rather than the Introduction or Conclusion. |
4. Discussion /Conclusion | Main contribution of the paper. May be hard to distinguish from results. |
| More likely in papers that are not based on an experimental design and in the social sciences. |
| What are your conclusions and recommendations? More common in social sciences, medicine and nursing. Recommendations to change policies, etc. |
| What does this all mean? What do you plan to do next? Importance of the results for the field as a whole. |
1. What does the word «ABSTRACT» mean?
2. What are the parts of the abstract?
3. What information does each part of the abstract usually include?
Task 15. Read the information about writing an abstract for a journal article. Put the verbs into Passive. Translate it.
A concise and factual abstract … (require). The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract …often …(present) separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. For this reason, References … (should avoid), but if essential, then cite the author(s) and year(s). Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations … (should avoid), but if essential they … (must define) at their first mention in the abstract itself.
(International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Guide for Authors)
Task 16. Read the parts of the abstract and match them with the sections of the paper: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. Translate the abstract[6]. Mind the underlined phrases.
Effects of Microwave Radiation on Oil Recovery Abdollah Esmaeili Islamic Azad University – Omidieh Branch, Omidieh, Iran Abstract 1) The separation of oil from water and solids using gravitational settling methods is typically incomplete. 2) This paper presents a critical review of Microwave radiation method for oil recovery. A variety of oil recovery methodshave been developed and applied to mature and depleted reservoirs in order to improve the efficiency. Microwave radiation oil recovery method is a relatively new method and has been of great interest in the recent years. Crude oil is typically co-mingled with suspended solids and water. To increase oil recovery, it is necessary to remove these components. 3) High-frequency microwave recycling process can recover oil and gases from oil shale, residual oil, drill cuttings, tar sands oil, contaminated dredge/sediments, tires and plastics with significantly greater yields and lower costs than are available utilizing existing known technologies. This process is environmentally friendly, fuelgenerating recycler to reduce waste, cut emissions, and save energy. 4) Oil-in-water and oil-water-solid emulsions can be demulsified and separated into their individual layers by microwave radiation. The data also show that microwave separation is faster than gravity separation and can be faster than conventional heating at many conditions. After separation of emulsion into water and oil layers, water can be discharged and oil is collected. Keywords: Microwave radiation, oil recovery, depleted reservoirs, Efficiency, improve, technology |
Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 302 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!