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Task 8. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence

1. An academic community / scientific society is an opportunity for incoming freshmen to meet other students and receive the academic support they need to succeed during the course of study.

2. An academic conference / audience is a formal event for researchers (not necessarily academics) to present and discuss their work.

3. Becoming involved with your local body / chapter will allow you to make valuable connections with peers, share knowledge and discover new opportunities in your profession.

4. Special interest / hobby groups are established to give members with similar professional interests the opportunity to exchange their ideas.

5. A conference audience can be a very valuable sounding / sounded board.

6. Members of the same research / investigation group will benefit / help both intellectually and emotionally from each other.

7. Networking on the Internet gives you conduits / paths of useful and valuable information.

Task 9. Make the word collocations and translate them.

1. to have a. a research
2. to get b. a research group
3. to become c. the feedback
4. to provoke d. a forum
5. to stimulate e. involved
6. to set up f. the seed of an idea
7. to incorporate in g. a plan
8. to provide h. efforts
9. to benefit from i. access to
10. to incorporate into j. a discussion

Task 10. Answer the questions about the text «Becoming a Member of an Academic Community».

1. How can different groups be helpful for a research student?

2. What are the ways of becoming a member of an academic community?

3. What is the purpose of research seminars?

4. How can you share your ideas at conferences?

5. What are local chapters of professional bodies and SIGs focused in?

6. What is networking?

7. What are the benefits of internet networking?

Task 11. List some of the ways in which you personally can become part of an academic community. What support networks do you have available to you, or which might you be able to initiate? Share your ideas with a partner.

Task 12. Be ready for a small discussion on the topic “I’m a part of the University community”.

1. Do you feel you are part of a strong academic / student community?

2. Do you want the University to help you become part of a strong academic / student community?

3. What do you think is the most effective way this could be done?

- Using emails and Facebook,VKontakte to communicate with students.

- Using means of communication other than emails.

- More departmental contact time and social activities.

- The creation of traditions such as mascots or annual events.

- Creating support groups.

- Other

4. Discuss in small groups the topic “I’m a part of the University community”.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 1317 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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