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Task 14. Read the dialogue and discuss how to succeed at a job interview in English. Act the dialogue out

Fay: Hi Jerry. I'm thinking of applying for a job with a multinational company, but I'm worried about having an interview in English. Can you give me any good tips?

Jerry: Hmmm. That's a tough one. I guess the first thing is to try to make a good impression. We often say, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression". You really need to get off to a good start.

Fay: That sounds like good advice. Maybe I could sing and dance for them, ha ha ha! Then they'd really be impressed! But seriously, how do I make a good first impression?

Jerry: To begin with, you should firmly shake the interviewer's hand while greeting him or her with a smile. Be sure to keep eye contact, especially when listening to the interviewer.

Fay: Ah, "body language" is really important, isn't it?

Jerry: Yes, it is. The second thing is to have confidence. You get confidence from being prepared. You should learn a little bit about the company before the interview. Find out what they do, how long they've been in business, what their business motto is, that kind of thing. You should also anticipate possible questions, and think about how you will answer.

Fay: Should I memorize my answers beforehand?

Jerry: No! Definitely not! That sounds very mechanical. You should be natural when you speak. Just think about how you want to answer, and choose the right words at the time of the interview. That way, you can use the interviewer's own words in your answer, which shows you've been listening. Then you're sure to make a good impression.

Fay: I never thought about that before. You're really smart, Jerry! But what should I do if I can't remember an English word when I'm answering a question?

Jerry: In that case, you have to paraphrase. In other words, you have to explain what you want to say. For example, if you forget the word "manufacturing", you can say "making a product" instead. Or instead of "statistics" you could say "using many big numbers to describe something".

Fay: That's very helpful, Jerry. Thanks so much. Ah, one more thing. Should I ask about the salary during the interview?

Jerry: No, either let them bring up the topic of money, or else wait for a second interview. If you prepare well, make a good first impression, have confidence, and use English naturally, you're almost certain to be interviewed again. Good luck!

Task 15. Student A, read the information about duties and responsibilities of Petroleum Engineers and Drilling Engineers. Student B, read the information about duties and responsibilities of Subsea engineers and Reservoir engineers. Discuss with a partner the suggested career options.

Student A

A petroleum engineer is involved in nearly all stages of oil and gas field evaluation, development and production. The goal of a petroleum engineer is to maximise hydrocarbon recovery at a minimum cost while maintaining a strong emphasis on reducing all associated environmental problems. Petroleum engineers are divided into several groups: petroleum geologists find hydrocarbons by analysing subsurface structures with geological and geophysical methods; reservoir engineers work to optimise production of oil and gas via proper well placement, production levels, and enhanced oil recovery techniques; production engineers manage the interface between the reservoir and the well through such tasks as (but not limited to) perforations, sand control, artificial lift, downhole flow control and downhole monitoring equipment; and drilling engineers manage the technical aspects of drilling both production and injection wells.

They all work in multidisciplinary teams alongside other engineers, scientists, drilling teams and contractors.

A drilling engineer develops, plans, costs, schedules and supervises the operations necessary in the process of drilling oil and gas wells. They are involved from initial well design to testing, completion and abandonment. Engineers are employed on land, on offshore platforms, or on mobile drilling units either by the operating oil company, a specialist drilling contractor or a service company. The role can involve administering drilling and service contracts, engineering design, the planning of wells and supervising the drilling crew on site. Drilling engineers work with other professionals, such as geologists and geoscientists, to monitor drilling progress, oversee safety management and ensure the protection of the environment.

Student B

Subsea engineers are involved in any structural engineering taking place beneath the surface of the sea. They design, build and install mechanical systems used under the ocean, such as underwater pipelines and pumps, transportation equipment, subsea wellheads and offshore drilling rigs. They need to have a good working knowledge of all types of underwater equipment and vehicles. They may also be involved in underwater data collection, which entails using imaging technology or remotely operated vehicles to gather information.

Subsea engineers use both traditional and high-tech tools, such as computer-aided design (CAD) systems, to create realistic geometric models of drills and rigs, which can simulate and analyse the effects and potential problems of designs (e.g. machine malfunction and slowdown). They may also work with oceanographers and other scientists to determine locations for drilling as well as teams of other engineers and professionals to design an interface between the subsea structures and the well.

Reservoir engineers analyze the production potential of a petroleum reservoir. They study the behaviour and characteristics of a petroleum reservoir to determine the drilling and extraction methods that should be used to optimize oil or gas recovery. They gather data from various sources to produce a development plan, using computer models to simulate production conditions.

This enables them to identify risks and forecast the likely outcome of events and possible interventions, to maximize reservoir yields and performance. Decisions on the numbers and locations of wells depend on these models, as do development programs, such as commissioning additional wells or recommending the employment of enhanced recovery technologies (e.g. water injection to simulate flow). Reservoir engineers monitor and update the model as necessary during the lifecycle of the reservoir.

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