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Read and dramatise the following dialogues


1. I’d like to have a double room with bath.

2. How long are you planning to stay?

3. We’ll stay for four days.

4. I can give you an outside double room on the sixth floor.

5. Is it very noisy?

6. No, it isn’t. The street is very quite. In front of the hotel you can see a big park.

7. How much is the room?

8. It’s 50 dollars a day. The charge includes breakfast.

9. Is there a bath/

10. Yes, every room has bath, telephone and colour TV.

11. All right. I’ll take the room.


12. I’m leaving tomorrow. Please prepare my bill.

13. Sure, Sir. The bill will be ready tonight, shall I send it to your room?

14. No, I’ll pay here, at the desk tomorrow.

15. As you say.


16. Are you in charge of rooms here?

17. Yes, I am a receptionist here. What can I do for you?

18. I would like to book accommodation for the delegation which is to attend the Congress of mathematicians.

19. How many delegates are you expecting?

20. There will be six: the head of the delegation, his secretary and four members of the delegation, two of them are ladies.

21. I see. I can offer you a suite for the head of the delegation and a single room for his secretary on the ninth floor.

22. Does the suite face the yard?

23. No, it doesn’t. All the suites face the yard. They are very quiet. The single room faces the street.

24. It doesn’t matter. The secretary is a young man. He won’t be disturbed by street noises.

25. There are two double rooms on the 12th floor. Will you take them?

26. Of course. Bills are paid at weekly intervals. Is that so?

27. Yes, it s. Besides you may pay in advance or on the day you check out.

28. Hank you for the information. Will you enter the names of our people in the register?

29. I’ll do that when they arrive. As soon as they come her.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 383 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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